Was Brutus a noble?

Was Brutus a noble?

Marcus Brutus, The Most Noble Roman in Shakespeare’s Play Julius Caesar. Marcus Brutus shows qualities of a noble roman through patriotism. He makes many tough decisions that result in questioning his character, but the actions he takes are for the betterment and out of the love for Rome.

Why is Brutus conflicted?

Hover for more information. Brutus is conflicted about killing Caesar because he hasn’t done anything yet, but he probably will. Brutus is approached by Cassius, another senator, who asks him how he feels about Julius Caesar.

What does Brutus say about killing Marc Antony?

What does Brutus say about killing Marc Antony? Brutus feels as if killing Marc Antony will make the plan too bloody and that they should be sacrificers, not butchers. He also says that there is no harm in Marc Antony; he is nothing without Caesar. Decius will flatter Caesar and influence him to go to the Capitol.

What is Portia’s issue with Brutus?

When Brutus refuses to confide in Portia, she takes issue with his secrecy: as a married couple, she says, they should have no secrets. Dear my lord, Make me acquainted with your cause of grief. In other words, Portia is sick and tired of being excluded from her husband’s world just because she’s a woman.

What does Portia fear?

In this scene, Portia wishes to act but cannot for she has “a man’s mind, but a woman’s might.” Portia’s untenable position — her fear that her husband’s plan will be discovered (although she does not know exactly what the plan is) and that she cannot act to help him — add to tension at the end of Act II.

What soothsayer tells Portia?

What does the soothsayer come to tell Portia? That he is worried that Caesar will be hurt but he will try to stop him from going to the Capitol. What does she pray to the gods for? To help Brutus in his quest.

Who said Cowards die many times?


Why does Caesar agree to stay home?

Caesar goes to the Senate because his ambition surpasses his desire to comfort his wife. After Calpurnia’s terrifying nightmare that portends Caesar’s assassination, Caesar initially agrees to stay home, despite his belief that nothing can change his fate.

What does Antony mean when he refers to Brutus as Caesar’s angel?

For when the noble Caesar saw him stab, Ingratitude, more strong than traitors’ arms, Quite vanquish’d him: then burst his mighty heart. By “angel,” Antony means, as the next line makes clear, beloved.

How does Brutus define killing Caesar?

Brutus explains that Caesar must die because he fears Caesar will abuse his power as king.

What did Brutus 1 want?

They believed that the large, centralized government would not be able to truly represent the people. Brutus 1 argued that federal power was bad and that the Constitution gives too much power to the federal government.

What is the main idea of Antony’s speech?

The purpose of Antony’s speech was to instigate the mob against the conspirators for killing Caesar through swaying them with basic sentiments. He succeeded in his mission by enraging the crowd against the conspirators at the pulpit for revenging Caesar’s death. We can say that Antony was like a best friend to Caesar.

Who gave a better speech Antony or Brutus?

Mark Antony is the better rhetorician, and his speech is more effective than Brutus’s. Brutus wanted to justify the conspirators in their assassination of Caesar, a beloved leader. He does that very effectively by appealing to the crowd, telling them that although he loved Caesar, he loved Rome more.

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