Was Harry Potter stolen?

Was Harry Potter stolen?

A hardback first edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone worth about £40,000 was one of a number of rare books stolen during a burglary. The book, J.K Rowling’s maiden novel of the globally successful series, was stolen from SN Books in Thetford, Norfolk, between 8 and 9 January.

Who owns the copyright to Harry Potter?

Harry Potter is coming to television. In a landmark deal that ranks among the largest movie franchise rights agreements of all time, NBCUniversal has acquired exclusive rights for the popular films and accompanying J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World franchise from Warner Bros.

Did JK Rowling copy Tolkien?

No, J.K. Rowling did not rip off The Lord of the Rings. The stories of her Harry Potter books are so dissimilar to The Lord of the Rings that no one familiar with both works would consider her to have ripped off Tolkien.

What would Gandalf think of Dumbledore?

“He is more powerful than I am. More intelligent than I am. A better wizard, a better man. He is what my author wanted my character to be… but I failed to be.”

What is Gandalf’s real name?

His actual (Maiar) name is Olórin. ‘Gandalf’, meaning something like “elf with a wand” is the name the men of Arnor gave him. The Elves called him Mithrandir, which means “Grey Pilgrim”.

Why did it take Gandalf 17 years?

So he didn’t stay in the Shire for 17 years, he LEFT the shire for 17 years (after cautioning Frodo not to use the Ring, and to keep it secret and safe). He wanted to find the history of Bilbo’s ring if he could, but he didn’t suspect at that point that it might be the One Ring.

How old is Gandalf the GREY?

The closest approximation of Gandalf’s physical age is 24,000 years old, according to Gandalf himself. Yet, various dates of key events in other Tolkien texts show that Gandalf has actually only walked in his physical form for just over two thousand years.

What killed Gandalf the GREY?

Gandalf and Legolas immediately realised what it was: a Balrog of Morgoth, a servant of the first dark lord. Then darkness took Gandalf, and he passed away. His body lay on the peak. The entire battle, from the confrontation on the Bridge of Khazad-dûm to the mutual demise of the Balrog and Gandalf, had taken ten days.

Why does Gandalf look old?

He appeared old from the beginning, because his mission required it. In order to persuade the people of Middle-earth to resist Sauron, Gandalf had to appear old and wise, since such an appearance provided him an instant air of authority.

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