
Was the atomic bomb necessary?

Was the atomic bomb necessary?

The Atomic Bombings were necessary to end the war quickly with the least amount of bloodshed. Truman chose the atomic bombs over an invasion of the home islands of Japan, these invasions were called Operation Olympic and Coronet, classified under Operation Downfall.

How did Atomic Bomb end ww2?

The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki On August 9, U.S. forces dropped “Fat Man,” a plutonium bomb, on Nagasaki. Emperor Hirohito announced Japan’s unconditional surrender via radio address on August 15, bringing World War II to a close.

Was the atomic bomb dropped to scare the Soviet Union?

As made by Gar Alperovitz more than forty years ago, the original revisionist argument maintained that the atomic bomb was used primarily to intimidate the Soviet Union in order to gain the upper hand in Eastern Europe and to keep Moscow out of the war in the Far East. Revisionism’s heyday lasted until the 1990s.

What impact did the atomic bomb play in ending the war?

“The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended World War II. There can be no doubt of that. While they brought death and destruction on a horrifying scale, they averted even greater losses – American, English, and Japanese”.

How did the dropping of the atomic bomb lead to the Cold War?

In August 1945 the USA detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The intention was to force Japan to surrender, thus avoiding a long war in the Pacific. This action had the added potential of pressurizing the USSR into negotiating over Eastern Europe and Germany.

Would the war have ended without the atomic bomb?

“No. And it wasn’t necessary either. Militarily Japan was finished (as the Soviet invasion of Manchuria that August showed). Further blockade and urban destruction would have produced a surrender in August or September at the latest, without the need for the costly anticipated invasion or the atomic bomb.

Why did President Truman feel he had no choice but to drop the atomic bombs?

Why did President Truman feel he had no choice but to drop the atomic bombs? He feared that Japan would mount a fresh attack on US forces. He felt that without the bomb a costly invasion would be necessary. He feared a Japanese invasion of the California coast.

Who ordered the dropping of the atomic bomb?

President Harry S. Truman

What result did dropping an atomic bomb on Nagasaki bring about quizlet?

About half of Nagasaki was destroyed immediately; about 39,000 people were killed and 25,000 injured. By the end of 1945 about 100,000 more had died from injuries and radiation poisoning. Japan agreed to surrender unconditionally about a week after the bombs were dropped.

Why did the United States drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima quizlet Chapter 22?

The “Iron Curtain”: separated the free West from the communist East. Why did the United States drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima? Since the United States had spent years and millions of dollars developing the weapon, it was going to use it in the war.

Why did the United States drop a second atomic bomb on Japan quizlet?

The U.S decided to drop the two bombs on Japan because Japan refused to surrender, causing the Pacific War to drag on. The U.S offered a unconditional surrender known as the ‘Potsdam Declaration’ and said if they didn’t agree to it, they would face the Alternative of “Prompt and utter destruction” and Japan ignored it.

Why did Harry Truman decide to drop the atomic bomb on Japan quizlet?

Why did President Truman decide to use atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? The US wanted to avoid the casualties resulting from an invasion of Japan and to end the war quickly. created to improve radar, sonar, develop penicillin, and ddt, also the atomic bomb.

Why were thousands of US citizens put in internment camps during the war?

Why were thousands of US citizens put in internment camps during the war? Any US citizen who was Japanese, German, etc., were put there so they could not rise against the US. gave the US powers to sell, transfer, exchange, lend equipment to any country to help it defend against the Axis powers.

What policy did the United States adopt at the beginning of World War 2?

Lend-Lease Act

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