“We take care of everything.” Theft and trafficking of children in Spain

“Nos encargamos de todo”. Robo y tráfico de niños en España

“We take care of everything” is the phrase repeated thousands of times, in clinics and maternity wards, mothers and families to which they announced the death of her newborn, who later proved to have been given up for adoption. Some of those mothers and families bring their thrilling testimony in this book, whose author Francisco González de Tena, president of the Federation Coordinator X 24 (Associations of Victims for the Theft of Children in Spain) and vice president/spokesperson of the Collective Identity of the Canary islands, establishes this hypothesis of research: what it can promote to doctors, midwives and people close to the catholic Church to dealing with newborns?

The systematic appearance in the media of communication and the abundant literature that until today has been published about this social drama, the theft of children in clinics and maternity hospitals in all of Spain, the focus is logically in the most dramatic and eye-catching. It has been a valuable contribution to give out a huge drama silenced for years. Missing a study that out a step further and offer some key social essential to appreciate this problem of State. Only someone involved directly and personally from the first moment with these cases could, and should, fill that gap with an analysis necessary.

The essay “We take care of everything.” Theft and trafficking of children in Spain will be without doubt that regarding. It will also be a text provocative and no doubt annoying to sectors very powerful. Your opportunity is unavoidable by the circumstances that marked this historic moment. With the presence already materialized by the Agencies of NN. UU. of Human Rights in its section on Missing Persons and with the European Parliament, admitting to processing these cases as crimes permanent scope supranational, already there are movements evident in the Government of Spain that point to that have been put in place strategies to try, at least, have alibis that justify the unfortunate role of inaction in the face of what is already clear, an international scandal. This statement is not free judging by the interest shown by the foreign media and the systematic presence of journalists who assail us almost continuously with this topic.

The text is the author, doctor of Sociology and the current president of the Federation Coordinator X 24 (associations of Victims for the Theft of Children in Spain), Francisco González de Tena, is published by Key Intellectual and will be in bookshops from next Monday, day 17. The pre-interest that has been awakened has a lot to do with that attempt to understand essential keys that are at the origin of the social problem, in its circumstances and in the multitude of issues that hinder their understanding and vision beyond the data and dramatic point of each one of the cases more eye-catching. The book poses key questions, which are going to be very uncomfortable in such a critical moment to the policy developed by the ministry of Justice of Spain. Asking questions is not anything innocent, especially when in the text there is enough material so that each reader can reach their own conclusions. To a certain extent that is the role more legitimate Policy and, in this case of the Sociology Retrospective. Evidenced a conflict or social issue and try to be asking the right questions about their origin, the causes that led to it and possible pathways for its elucidation, although it is in the more modest and realistic.


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Video of the Presentation of the book in the CBA, Madrid, march 26, 2014


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  • The children stolen in the Congress of the Universal Jurisdiction, may 2014
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  • Interview with Francisco González de Tena, author of “We take care of everything.” Antena 3 TV, 8 may 2014
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Review of the author

“Nos encargamos de todo”. Robo y tráfico de niños en España

Francisco González de Tena was born in Córdoba, in 1942, in the midst of a family of photographers dating back to the last third of the NINETEENTH century. Developed his professional activity initially in a financial institution in his home town, to move then to Madrid in 1982. He combined for years that dedication to the college. He is a graduate in Dramatic Arts, a graduate diploma in Law (UNED, 1985), Diploma in CC. Economic and Business (UNED, 1987), Degree in Sociology (CC. Policy and Sociology, UNED 2000), doctor in Sociology, with honours, and a phd in Modern Philology (specialty Drama, Semiotics of Theatre and Discursive), with the qualification of outstanding cum to the praise of his. Cultivated essay and poetry, most of whose texts remain unpublished, and they have only appeared in collaborations. He has published the book invisible Children in the dark room (ed. Tébar, Madrid, 2009) and the role of the Church in Social Assistance (ed. Stethoscope Tubing Suction Tubing, Malaga, 2009). He is currently registered as a sociologist retrospective, is president of the Federation Coordinator X 24 (Associations of Victims for the Theft of Children in Spain) and vice president/spokesperson of the Collective Without Identity, of the Canary islands.

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