Were there any mass extinctions during the Triassic period?

Were there any mass extinctions during the Triassic period?

End-Triassic extinction, also called Triassic-Jurassic extinction, global extinction event occurring at the end of the Triassic Period (about 252 million to 201 million years ago) that resulted in the demise of some 76 percent of all marine and terrestrial species and about 20 percent of all taxonomic families.

What went extinct in the Triassic extinction?

End-Triassic extinctions Many families of brachiopods, gastropods, bivalves, and marine reptiles also became extinct. On land a great part of the vertebrate fauna disappeared at the end of the Triassic, although the dinosaurs, pterosaurs, crocodiles, turtles, mammals, and fishes were little affected by the transition.

What major events happened in the Triassic period?

The start of the Triassic period (and the Mesozoic era) was a desolate time in Earth’s history. Something—a bout of violent volcanic eruptions, climate change, or perhaps a fatal run-in with a comet or asteroid—had triggered the extinction of more than 90 percent of Earth’s species.

What was the worldwide catastrophe that caused mass extinction to take place?

Cretaceous Chicxulub asteroid

Did dinosaurs live in the Triassic period?

Dinosaurs in the Triassic Period It was around 240 million years ago that the first dinosaurs appear in the fossil record. These dinosaurs were small, bipedal creatures that would have darted across the variable landscape. ‘Much like today, the environments on Pangea were hugely varied,’ says Paul.

What is the first dinosaur on earth?


What’s the oldest dinosaur alive today?

Nyasasaurus parringtoni is currently the oldest known dinosaur in the world.

Was Sauroposeidon a titanosaur?

While initially described as a brachiosaurid closely related to Brachiosaurus and Giraffatitan, the discovery of additional remains in the Cloverly Formation of Wyoming suggested that it was in fact more closely related to the titanosaurs, in the group Somphospondyli.

What was the shortest dinosaur?


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