What ammo can a Mosin-Nagant shoot?
What is the best ammo for a Mosin-Nagant?
The 7.62x54r is the original cartridge and the one chambered by most Mosin-Nagants today. Rarer variants include 7.62x53r (Finnish), 8x57mm Mauser and 8x50r Mannlicher. All 7.62x54r ammunition is Berdan primed and historically corrosive.
Can I shoot 308 in my Mosin?
NO you CANNOT shoot . 308 Winchester (7.62 X 51 NATO) in your old Mosin.
Can you shoot 7.62 x39 in a Mosin-Nagant?
You can shoot ANY of the milsurp rounds in the Nagant, but the same cannot be said of the semi auto rifles like the Dragunov and the PSL. 7.62x54R is still being manufactured and the stock piles go back at least 75 years for a 110 year old design.
Is a 7.62 x54 the same as a 308?
No, the 7.62×54 is a rimmed cartridge firing a bullet of about . 311″ diameter. The 308 Winchester is a rimless cartridge firing a bullet of about . 308″ diameter.
Can you shoot 7.62 x54 in a 7.62 x39 rifle?
Yes, both of the russian 7.62’s use the same diameter bullet. any x54R loading data for 123ish grain rounds will work with 123ish grain x39 bullets- since they are the same.
What ammo is cheaper 270 or 308?
308 will cost you about $31.79, while a case of Federal Vital-Shok Nosler Partition 150 grains for the . 270 will cost you about $20.49. 20 rounds of Federal Sierra GameKing BTSP 150 grains for the . 270, on the other hand, will cost you $30.99, while a case of Winchester Super-X 180 grains will set you back by $21.99.
What distance should I zero my 308?
308 Winchester 2,800 fps, we’d have to aim 369 inches above a 1,000-yard target to drop our bullet on it. That’s 30.75 feet of drop. At a more common, reasonable hunting range of 300 yards that drop would “only” be about 23 inches. Meaning if you aimed a foot over the deer’s back, you might hit it in the heart.
Can a 308 stop a bear?
Ideal Heavy Rifles for Bear Protection While big bore rifles are ideal, even a . 308 will work. The velocity, penetration, and damage will be head and shoulders above any handgun as long as you pick some good bonded or monolithic bullets like Federal Trophy Bonded or Barnes TSX.