
What are argumentative techniques?

What are argumentative techniques?

A good argument anticipates opposing viewpoints and provides counterarguments to refute (disprove) or answer them. Emotional appeals or emotive language. Messages that evoke strong feelings–such as fear, pity, or vanity–in order to persuade instead of using facts and evidence to make a point.

What are the nine influence tactics?

The 9 influence tactics are legitimacy, rational persuasion, inspirational appeals, consultation, exchange, personal appeals, ingratiation, pressure and coalitions.

What kinds of influence tactics can one use?

Core influence tactics are those which are both effective and positive. They are rational persuasion (item 1), and inspirational appeals (item 2), and consultation (item 3). These tactics tend to build commitment. Some employees are more likely to accept change when managers use consultative tactics.

Why is influence tactics important?

Once a leader selects an influence tactic, its success is determined by the response of the follower. In business, leaders use influencers to help achieve organizational goals through modifying their followers’ behavior. Using these tactics to master the art of persuasion is an important function for leaders.

How do you influence outcomes?

Here are three ideas to help you do just that.

  1. Talk it up. Focus on the positive and talk about your expectations before getting started.
  2. Get others involved. If other respected people are also sharing their expectations of a good experience, it helps set the stage for a positive outcome.
  3. Dress it up.

How do you influence someone’s decision?

Start with these six keys:

  1. Understand the decision cycle. People move through six predictable stages—a universal decision cycle—whenever they make a change.
  2. Establish trust. If people don’t trust you, they won’t allow you to influence them.
  3. Create urgency.
  4. Gain commitment.
  5. Initiate change.
  6. Overcome objections.
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