What are bad earthworms?
Whether you call them jumping worms, crazy worms, Alabama jumpers or snake worms, they are bad news for our gardens and natural spaces. These invasive worms live near the soil surface devouring leaf litter and the organic matter that plants depend upon.
Are earthworms destructive?
Most gardeners love having earthworms in their soil. But in forests, their invasion has been far more destructive. But plants in forests have evolved other ways to get nutrients from the ground. When earthworms convert them into easier-to-access forms, it can favor invasive plants that later take over the understory.
What is the value of earthworms?
Earthworms are vital in breaking down detritus, putting nutrients back into the soil, spreading nutrients about, helping with drainage, soil aeration, providing habitats for other soil-dwelling organisms, and breaking down the soil’s structure.
Why do farmers like to have earthworms in their soil?
They help improve soil structure and soil chemical and biological properties. They are especially important in no-till, helping to stimulate air and water movement in soil. Earthworms tend to thrive most without tillage, if sufficient crop residue is left on the soil surface.
How are earthworms agriculturally helpful to farmers?
Earthworms stimulate microbial activity, mix and aggregate the soil, soil water content, and water holding capacity. They also increase litter decomposition, soil organic matter dynamics, nutrient cycles, promote plant growth, and reduce some soil-borne diseases.
What does earthworm farming mean?
Worm farming, otherwise known as vermiculture (vermis from the Latin for worm) is the process of harnessing earthworms to convert organic waste into the world’s most nutrient-rich fertiliser; worm manure. Epigeic earthworms are red in colour and are surface dwellers, thriving in fresh rotting organic waste.
Why do we have worm farms?
Worm farms are an efficient way to reduce household waste and produce nutrient-rich fertiliser for the garden. In fact, worms can consume and compact waste so well that they can reduce the volume of organic matter by 95 per cent.
Why is worm farming important?
Worm Farming keeps food waste out of landfill. Food waste is either unavoidable or it’s avoidable. Unavoidable food waste, such as egg shells, vegetable peels and tea bags is best dealt with in a worm farm (or compost bin). For more information see Composting and Worm Farming.