What are gravestones made out of?

What are gravestones made out of?

Most gravestones made over the last few centuries are made of a few types of rock: marble, slate, and granite are the big three. Sometimes you run into darker stones made of gabbro, maybe a few sandstone markers, but especially in more recent monuments, marble and granite (and other plutonic rocks) rule the roost.

Are headstones made of concrete?

Around the turn of the last century when most memorials were upright monuments, flat markers were considered by-products of monument production. Nowadays most modern cemetery operators around the country no longer need or even want cement in their cemeteries. …

Why do headstones sink?

Why do Graves Sink? When soil is replaced into a grave, it will inevitably contain more air pockets than the compacted soil before excavation. Over time, a backfilled grave will ‘sink’ as the air pockets escape and the soil settles; this is absolutely natural and practically unavoidable, especially in wet weather.

Do gravestones sink?

Grave subsidence refers to the appearance of graves ‘sinking’. This is an entirely natural process caused by loosened soil settling into place and the natural process of the coffin collapsing overtime. Grave subsidence is a process that RPCV manages and rectifies when necessary, and it should not be cause for concern.

Should you go to a cemetery at night?

Those seeking to have a “spookier” time may think visiting a cemetery at night will deliver the thrills and chills they crave, but there remains the matter of trespassing to consider before sneaking in for a moonlit seance.

How quickly does a body need to be embalmed?

Embalming should be performed as soon as possible following a death. Embalming between the first 12-24 hours will prevent the body from decaying before the embalming begins. For an open casket or delayed funeral, a body should be embalmed no longer than two days after death for the best results.

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