What are navigation hazards?
Any obstacle encountered by a vessel in route posing risk or danger to the vessel, its contents or the environment.
How do coral reefs cause problems for ships?
What is most frightening is that an anchor-damaged reef may never recover, and even if it does, it may take about 50 years or so. Cruise ships are often found flushing their enormous amount of sewage and food waste and oily bilge water as a suspension of insoluble particles, into the ocean.
How tourism affects the Great Barrier Reef?
When tourists accidently touch, pollute or break off parts of the reef, corals experience stress. The coral organisms try to fight off the intrusion, but this process often leads to coral bleaching—when corals expel the brightly colored algae that live in them and become completely white.
Are there shark attacks in the Great Barrier Reef?
There have only been a handful of recorded incidences of shark attacks on the Great Barrier Reef. In general, they are mostly human invoked incidences.
Are there killer whales in the Great Barrier Reef?
Humpback whales, dwarfe minke whales, false killer whales, killer whales, short-finned pilot whales, sperm whales and various beaked whales are all species that can be found in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef.
How many shark attacks are there in the Great Barrier Reef?
There have been 18 unprovoked shark bites so far in 2020, one more than last year and the same as in 2018. In 2015, there were 22.
What do Tiger sharks eat in the Great Barrier Reef?
Normal Tiger Shark prey includes a wide variety of teleost fishes, rays, other sharks, marine turtles, sea snakes, seabirds, seals, dolphins, spiny lobsters, crabs, horseshoe crabs, octopuses, squids, marine snails, and jellyfishes.
Do white tip reef sharks bite?
Whitetip reef sharks are rarely aggressive towards humans, though they may investigate swimmers closely. However, spear fishers are at risk of being bitten by one attempting to steal their catch. This species is caught for food, though ciguatera poisoning resulting from its consumption has been reported.
Do tiger sharks attack humans?
Tiger sharks are one of the shark species most frequently implicated in attacks on humans, and although shark attacks are extremely rare overall, the few that do occur are often widely publicized by the media resulting in heightened public fear and calls for management actions to increase public safety.