
What are numbered lists?

What are numbered lists?

Use a numbered list to display complete sentences or paragraphs in a series (e.g., itemized conclusions, steps in a procedure). Use a lettered list or bulleted list rather than a numbered list if the items are phrases.

When you should use a bulleted list and a numbered list?

If you have a key word or key phrase for the section that requires a list of items, write a bulleted list or numbered list. Use a bulleted list for items that do not have to be in a specific order. Use a numbered list for items that must be in a specific order, such as steps or a timeline of events.

What is the difference between plain text and rich text format?

A plain text file is a document that contains no formatting, images, colors or other types of markup. It also includes single line breaks and spacing. A rich text file is the default format of popular word-processors like Microsoft Word, Apple Pages and Notes, a Google Doc, and even HTML emails.

What does rich text look like?

Rich text is more exciting than plain text. It supports text formatting, such as bold, italics, and underlining, as well as different fonts, font sizes, and colored text. Rich text documents can also include page formatting options, such as custom page margins, line spacing, and tab widths.

What is a rich text email?

Rich Text Emails Rich text format (RTF) emails can be formatted, allowing for links, alignment and the use of bullet points. If you use Outlook, it automatically converts your rich text email to HTML when you send it to an Internet recipient.

What is Rich Text Format in Outlook?

RTF: Rich text formatting (RTF), Outlook’s proprietary message format, is somewhat of a middle ground. It supports text formatting, including bullets, alignment, and linked objects. You can use it when sending to other Outlook and Exchange users, but Microsoft recommends sending in HTML regardless.

How do I stop Outlook from converting to plain text?

While in “Outlook” > “Preferences“. Select “Composing“. Check the”Compose messages in HTML by default” if you want to write messages in HTML. Uncheck it to use plain text.

How do I manage junk mail in Outlook?

Manage your junk email

  1. At the top of the screen, select Settings. > Mail.
  2. Under Options, select Block or allow.
  3. Below are the block or allow settings for managing email addresses and domains: Settings. Description. Don’t move email to my Junk Email folder. Select this option if you want to turn off junk email filtering.

Why are my outlook replies in plain text?

When you reply to a message, Outlook preserves the format of the original message. If you select the Read all standard mail in plain text option, however, Outlook formats your reply in plain text. If you change the format of the message, the reply is formatted with the new display format.

Why are my emails converted to plain text?

If there is no Infobar displayed above you message, it wasn’t Outlook which converted the message to Plain Text. The next usual suspect is your security suite or virus scanner. Most of these come with an option to integrate with Outlook. This could cause or allow for the messages to be converted to Plain Text.

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