What are OER materials?
OER include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.”
What are open educational resources and write their need and importance?
OER gives a wide variety of materials from which to build a class without having to start from scratch. OER is important because it provides affordable material to students, allows faculty to enhance their own work, and provides faculty with content for classes.
What does an open educational resource OER permit a user to do?
An open license permits users of a resource to participate in the 5R activities of OER: Retain: Make, own, and control your own copy of the content. Reuse: Use the content as-is. Revise: Adapt, adjust, modify, improve, or alter the content.
What do u mean by open educational resources?
Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.
What is the purpose of OER?
“Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.”
How Open Educational Resources OER can benefit the society?
Free or low-cost: OER programs report saving students millions on the cost of education. Low costs mean that students can access course materials from the start of class and, therefore, have every opportunity to succeed. Customization: Faculty members can customize their class instruction for their students using.
Is OER is same as E learning?
Is OER the same as e-learning? OER is not synonymous with online learning or e-learning, although many people make the mistake of using the terms interchangeably. Openly licensed content can be produced in any medium: paper-based text, video, audio or computer-based multimedia.
How do you use OER resources?
How To Use Open Educational Resources In Online Training
- Verify Usage Rights.
- Ensure That Online Resources Pass The Quality Assurance Test.
- Create An Open Educational Resource Repository.
- Use Open Educational Resources For Inspiration.
- Repurpose Resources To Create Comprehensive Courses.
- Encourage Self-Guided Exploration.
How do you find open educational resources?
These databases are a good starting point to find a wide variety of open educational resources.
- OER Commons.
- Open Textbook Library.
- BCCampus.
- Teaching Commons.
- HathiTrust Digital Library.
- Merlot.
- Open Educational Resource 2017 Textbook List.
How do you find educational resources?
15 Scholarly search engines every student should bookmark
- Google Scholar. Google Scholar was created as a tool to congregate scholarly literature on the web.
- Google Books.
- Microsoft Academic.
- WorldWideScience.
- Science.gov.
- Wolfram Alpha.
- Refseek.
- Educational Resources Information Center.
What will guide you in choosing an OER?
As a first step, it’s important to think about the criteria that you will use in selecting useful OER, including its appropriateness, adaptability and quality. The TESS-India OER have undergone a process of critical review and quality assurance, but not all OER have undergone a quality assurance process.
How do you evaluate OER?
Evaluate OER
- That the content under consideration covers the subject area appropriately.
- That the content of the OER is accurate and free of major errors and spelling mistakes.
- That the license of the content can be used or altered for the course’s needs.
What do you identify as the two most important aspects of OER for your classroom?
Why are OER important? Knowledge Creation and Dissemination. OER also provide benefits to members of communities beyond college and university campuses, allowing for knowledge creation and sharing outside the bounds of the traditional class and campus settings.
How OER should be evaluated in teaching/learning process?
There are eight steps to OER integration.
- Assess the validity and reliability of the OER.
- Determine placement within the curriculum, if not already done.
- Check for license compatibility.
- Eliminate extraneous content within the OER (assuming the license permits derivatives).
Why OER should be integrated in teaching and learning?
OER provide tools to help teachers develop these teaching and learning processes in their classrooms and teacher educators have a key role in mediating and facilitating the use of OER by teachers. In Week 5 you considered OERs and how these can be used to meet learning needs.
Why are open educational resources important?
Why are OER important? Open educational resources, like open textbooks, can decrease the cost of education because they are either free or low cost. Lower costs will result in students being less dependent on student loans and may even result in higher program completion rates.
How do you evaluate educational materials?
When evaluating instructional materials consider the extent to which each is interesting, approachable, and engaging….How well does the video align with your class?
- How well does the video align with your class?
- Is it at the right level for your students?
- How long is the video?
What are the types of educational resources?
Three kinds of resource are necessary for delivery of quality formal and non-formal primary education programs: Human resources, Material resources and Financial resources. These are defined below.
What are the characteristics of open education?
Characteristics of Open Education Resources
- Accessible. 1.1. Free of restriction. 1.2.
- Reusable. 2.1. Republishing. 2.2.
- Openness. 3.1. Usable for people with disabilities. 3.2.
- Freedom. 4.1. Run the program for any purpose. 4.2.
- Resource. 5.1. no need to go to class. 5.2.
- the language barrier. 6.1. Most courses in English.
Who can be the learner of open education?
Over time, access to publicly funded education in most economically developed countries has been widened to include all children up to the age of 18.
What are the important characteristics of OER?
Important Features of OER OER can take many forms, such as: syllabi, lesson plans, videos, software, tests, teaching techniques, group activities, writing prompts, textbooks, learning modules, experiments, simulations, and course designs. There are no platform restraints.
What is Open Access Education?
Open access refers to teaching, learning and research materials that are available free online for anyone to use as is, but they may not be revised, remixed, or redistributed. This terminology is typically used for scholarly works (journals, books, etc.), but can also refer to other class materials.
How can I open education institute?
4. Licenses to be obtained for starting an educational institution:
- Registration Certificate of Society – Societies Recognition Act, 1860,
- Essentiality Certificate DoE,
- Further, Certificate of Recognition MCD/ DoE,
- Moreover, Certificate of Upgradation DoE,
- Further, Certificate of Affiliation CBSE,
- Certificate of MCD.
What is Open Educational Resources PDF?
What are open educational resources? The learning content at issue is open courseware, i.e. educational material organised as courses and typically distributed as PDF files, as well as smaller chunks of learning, often referred to as learning objects.
Is oer a good concept?
OERs provide an excellent way for alumni to stay connected to the institution and continue with a program of lifelong learning. continually improved resources. Instructors can take an existing OER, adapt it for a class, and make the modified OER available for others to use.
How do teachers use OER?
By using OER, faculty can easily supplement their lectures and learning materials with content that is already openly licensed and available for sharing. OER courses allow students to explore materials before enrolling, making them better prepared before they arrive in the classroom.
How OER is different from textbook content?
The chief difference between open resources and OERs is that users have the ability to Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix, and Redistribute (the 5R’s) the content for educational purposes. Other free resources like Google Books or HathiTrust are open, but they cannot be remixed by a professor for the classroom.