What are other examples of witch-hunts?
Witch-hunts still occur today in societies where belief in magic is prevalent. In most cases, these are instances of lynching and burnings, reported with some regularity from much of Sub-Saharan Africa, from Saudi Arabia and from Papua New Guinea.
What are modern examples of witch-hunts?
While prevalent world-wide, hot-spots of current witch-hunting are India, Papua New Guinea, Amazonia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. While an unknown problem in vast parts of the Western population, body-counts of modern witch-hunts by far exceed those of early-modern witch-hunting.
Which country started concentration camps?
Nazi Germany
What are the names of concentration camps?
The major camps were in German-occupied Poland and included Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Treblinka. At its peak, the Auschwitz complex, the most notorious of the sites, housed 100,000 persons at its death camp (Auschwitz II, or Birkenau).
Were there any concentration camps in England?
Alderney in the Channel Islands was the only place in the British Isles where the Germans established concentration camps during their Occupation of the Channel Islands.
Was there a concentration camp on Guernsey?
Lager Sylt was a Nazi concentration camp on Alderney in the British Crown Dependency in the Channel Islands.
Which British island was occupied by Germany?
The Channel Islands
What is a capo ww2?
A kapo or prisoner functionary (German: Funktionshäftling) was a prisoner in a Nazi camp who was assigned by the SS guards to supervise forced labor or carry out administrative tasks.
What is a capo in Auschwitz?
A kapo or prisoner functionary was a special type of prisoner in the Nazi concentration camps during The Holocaust. Kapos were chosen by the Schutzstaffel (SS) camp guards to help run the camps. Some kapos were in charge of other prisoners, who had to do forced labor.
What is a capo and what does it do?
A capo (short for capodastro, capo tasto or capotasto [kapoˈtasto], Italian for “head of fretboard”) is a device a musician uses on the neck of a stringed (typically fretted) instrument to transpose and shorten the playable length of the strings—hence raising the pitch.
What is a riff on a guitar?
Rikky Rooksby states, “A riff is a short, repeated, memorable musical phrase, often pitched low on the guitar, which focuses much of the energy and excitement of a rock song.”
What are Guitar Bar Chords?
In music, a barre chord (also spelled bar chord) is a type of chord on a guitar or other stringed instrument played by using one or more fingers to press down multiple strings across a single fret of the fingerboard (like a bar pressing down the strings).