What are some examples of Kennings?
Modern Examples of Kennings
- Ankle biter = a very young child.
- Bean counter = a bookkeeper or accountant.
- Bookworm = someone who reads a lot.
- Brown noser = a person who does anything to gain approval.
- Fender bender = a car accident.
- First Lady – the wife of the president.
- Four-eyes = someone who wears glasses.
How do I start my own Kenning?
Create your own kennings!
- Think of an object or element of the natural world you’d like to work with.
- Make another list which includes things that describe your chosen object, and other objects which are associated with your object in some way.
What is a Kenning for love?
There are many different kennings that can express love. Here are some examples: heart malady. heart sickness.
What is a Kenning for music?
What is a Kenning for music? Kenning words for music may include: ear-candy, ear-roses, tonal-massage, melodic-food, ear-dance, rhythm-ruler.
What is a Kenning for blood?
BLOOD: “spear river,” “wound sweat,” “wound river,” “wound sea,” “shield wave,” “dew of deep wounds,” “raven wine,” “raven beer,” “gum flame,” “serpent’s dew,” “mead of wounds,” “corpse heap wave,” “corpse sea,” “corpse dew.” BRACELET: “arm serpent.” BREAST: “mind’s fort,” “thought land.”
What is a Kenning for school?
To create kennings for “school,” you’ll need to list some characteristics of school, characteristics that, when heard, would make someone think of “school.” One characteristic is (or was) chalk, which is related to the other characteristics of chalkboards and erasers. Another characteristic is playgrounds.
What is a good Kenning for teacher?
A teacher is an intelligence enhancer. A bus driver is a trasnporter. A fireman is a fire extinguisher.
Why is it called a Kenning?
Kennings are strongly associated with Old Norse-Icelandic and Old English poetry. They continued to be a feature of Icelandic poetry (including rímur) for centuries, together with the closely related heiti. The thing, person, place or being to which the kenning refers is known as its referent (in this case a sword).
What is a Kenning poem for children?
A kenning is a figure of speech where a two-word phrase replaces a one-word noun. Learn more about the use of kennings in poetry and explore examples.
What’s a Kenning poem?
A kenning is a much-compressed form of metaphor, originally used in Anglo-Saxon and Norse poetry. In a kenning, an object is described in a two-word phrase, such as ‘whale-road’ for ‘sea’. Some kennings can be more obscure than others, and then grow close to being a riddle.
What are the features of a Kenning poem?
Kennings are like riddles • They usually have only two words- a noun plus a noun OR a noun plus a verb. Poetic devices like alliteration can be used.
What does quatrain mean?
A quatrain in poetry is a series of four-lines that make one verse of a poem, known as a stanza. A quatrain can be its own poem or one section within a larger poem. The poetic term is derived from the French word “quatre,” which means “four.”
What is quatrain example?
Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” is an example of the ballad quatrain. He uses the rhyme scheme of ABCB throughout most of the poem.
How can you identify a quatrain?
Four lines – A quatrain has four lines. If a stanza has more or fewer lines, it is not a quatrain.