What are some geocaching terms?

What are some geocaching terms?

Acronym List

  • A.P.E. – Alternative Primate Evolution – refers to the Project A.P.E. series of caches.
  • BOT – Base Of Tree.
  • BYOP – Bring Your Own Pen/Pencil.
  • CITO – Cache In Trash Out.
  • CO – Cache Owner.
  • DNF – Did not find.

What does tot mean in geocaching?

Geocaching TOTT (Tools Of The Trade)

What is an earth cache?

“An Earthcache is a special place that people can visit to learn about a unique geoscience feature or aspect of our Earth. Visitors to EarthCaches can see how our planet has been shaped by geological processes, how we manage the resources and how scientists gather evidence to learn about the Earth.

Why should you never bury a cache?

You should never alter the environment when you hide a cache, nor should you place the cache in such a spot that seekers will have to affect the environment when they look for it. Never bury a geocache or place it in thick brush that others will have to clear.

How do Earth caches work?

EarthCache. An EarthCache is a special geological location people can visit to learn about a unique feature of the Earth. EarthCache pages include a set of educational notes along with coordinates. Typically, to log an EarthCache, you will have to provide answers to questions by observing the geological location.

Is geocaching easy?

Geocaching is easier than it sounds The GPS and waypoints language frightened me. I was confused about whether I needed a separate GPS device or if my phone would work. However, we decided to give it a go and turns out it’s so much easier (and more fun) than we ever imagined.

Can I make a private GeoCache?

Making a private geocache requires following some very simple steps- choosing a unique location, getting all the necessary permissions for a location, choosing a good container, storing some items like log books or toys, hiding the container, and providing all the necessary information to interested people.

Which geocaching app is best?

Here’s our list of the 5 best apps for geocaching:

  1. Geocaching by Groundspeak. This is the game’s official app, which is why it appears first in this list (and also because it is compatible with both Android and iOS).
  2. C:Geo.
  3. Cachly.
  4. Cache Maid.
  5. Looking 4 Cache Pro.

Can I use my cell phone for geocaching?

Since geocaching required a GPS, Android-based smartphones are a great tool to use since you normally have them with you. To participate in geocaching, you will need to create an account at Geocaching.com. On that website, you can search for caches, create lists of them, log your finds and even create your own.

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