
What are some good Bible questions?

What are some good Bible questions?

New Testament Bible Trivia Questions for Kids

  • Where was Jesus born?
  • How many apostles did Jesus have?
  • What is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus?
  • How did Jesus die?
  • Who gave Jesus gifts when he was born?
  • With what did Jesus feed 5000 people?

Is King James hard to read?

It’s haughty and quite difficult to read. Easier than Shakespeare, but more difficult than just about anything else. Don’t read it from cover to cover but perhaps a few emblematic passages: genesis, the sermon on the mountain… I have actually done this before believe it or not 😉

Why is ESV so popular?

The modern translations based upon the oldest Greek manuscripts are like the ESV, NIV, NASB. I think the ESV is a word for word translation, and therefore more accurate than the NIV, but it’s also an easier read than the NASB, and so that may explain its popularity.

Who wrote ESV Bible?


What is the difference between ESV and NIV Bible?

The ESV renders it as the more neutral “having accomplished”, which allows the reader to decide the relationship between glorifying the Father and the work Jesus has accomplished. The NIV also changes an active to a passive construction.

Which is better NIV or NLT?

From the NLT website: Both the NLT and NIV are excellent modern-language translations that display a balance between formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. The main difference is that the NIV is a word-for-word translation. The team for it took the original language texts and made a fresh translation into English.

Is NLT a good Bible version?

The NLT is a good translation, faithful to the text, and not afraid to use English phrases to translate complex Hebrew and Greek words more faithfully.

Is NIV and NLT the same?

The NIV is an original translation, meaning that more than 100 biblical scholars started from scratch and returned to the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts to create an entirely new translation, instead of referencing an existing translation. The NLT, on the other hand, is a revision of the Living Bible.

What is NLT mean?

No Later Than

What does NKT mean?

never knew that

What does NMT mean?

Not My Type

What does NLT stand for in Bible?

The New Living Translation

What is the difference between ESV and NLT?

ESV is English Standard Version. NLT is New Living Translation. ESV isn’t bad, although it does nothing that the NRSV doesn’t do just as well if not better. They’re both attempts to improve on the RSV, but the ESV is tailored more for evangelical/conservative tastes.

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