What are some good JILY fanfiction?
- Ooh yes ma’am I am a trained professional in this field.
- Multi-chaptered:
- COMMENTARIUS BY BC DAILY (the first jily fic I read and by far the best one yet.
- BOYFRIEND BY MOLLY RAESLY (and its sequels “Fiance” and “Pregnant”) amazing fanfic which you might want to read when you want to have a good hearty laugh.
Was Lily Potter a Slytherin?
Lily Evans was born on January 30, 1960 to Michael Evans and his wife Rose Evans. At the age of 11 Lily went to Hogwarts where she was sorted in Gryffindor, along with Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter and Marlene McKinnon.
Why do Lily and James Potter look so old?
In the Harry Potter movies, Lily and James are cast significantly older because they needed to look like Harry’s parents and match other actors’ ages. The Harry Potter movies made many big changes from J.K. Rowling’s novels, including the ages of Lily and James Potter.
Why did Dumbledore not protect Lily and James?
James, Lily and Harry were hidden under the Fidelius after Dumbledore was warned of the danger they faced by Snape. Unfortunately, the Fidelius required a trustworthy Secret Keeper. The couple chose one of their friends, but unfortunately their trust was misplaced.
Why did James Potter hate Snape?
James had a loving, wealthy family, friends and was popular due to being good at sport. His bullying of Snape was like another sport or form of entertainment for him. Probably because he felt superior to Snape. James had every reason NOT to become a bully but chose to continually bully an underprivileged person anyway.
Did Lily know Snape loved her?
Lily has been portrayed as an intelligent and kind woman. She was one of the best witches in her year at Hogwarts. A combination of theses qualities may lead us to conclude that she must be aware of Snape’s love for her but wanted to save him the embarrassment and pain and never acknowledged his feelings.
Was Lily Potter pregnant when killed?
Yes. In one of her interviews, J. K. Rowling said that when Lily Potter died she was pregnant. Not only that, Lily had even talked James into settling all matters with Snape and wanted him to be the coming kid’s godfather!! Rowling revealed that Lily was pregnant with James’s second chid when she died.
Was Lily actually pregnant?
Alyson Hannigan was pregnant while filming many season four episodes, but the show-runners were not interested in her character, Lily, also being shown as pregnant. After Hannigan told the show-runners that she was pregnant, Cobie Smulders discovered that she was also pregnant.
Did Severus Snape love Lily Potter?
Snape loved Lily deeply: through their years at Hogwarts; through her marriage to another wizard, James Potter; through his time as a Death Eater; and long after her murder at the wand of Lord Voldemort.
Was Lily Potter a Mudblood?
Lily Evans Potter is seen as kind and caring person who stands up to bullies, including Lord Voldemort. Her friendship with Severus Snape was a close one, though Lily never loved Severus; this friendship ended when Severus called her a “mudblood”, the most discriminatory name in the Wizarding world.
Why do the Malfoys hate muggle borns?
Despite their magical ability, pure-blood supremacists were prone to be very hostile towards both Muggle-borns, as well as those that were accepting of them, fearing that the promotion and acceptance of the the mixture of magical and non-magical blood would dilute or even negate the wizard identity.