What are some kindness words?

What are some kindness words?

  • beneficence,
  • benevolence,
  • benignancy,
  • benignity,
  • compassionateness,
  • good-heartedness,
  • humaneness,
  • kindheartedness,

What does kindness feel like?

Most people would like to think of themselves as a kind person, so acts of kindness help us to demonstrate that positive identity and make us feel proud of ourselves. This effect is even more powerful when the kind act links with other aspects of our personality, perhaps creating a more purposeful feeling.

What are two chemicals in your body that practicing kindness improves or affects?

In addition to boosting oxytocin and dopamine, being kind can also increase serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood.

How can I spread kindness?

World Kindness Day: 10 Ways to Spread Kindness

  1. Let someone you love know how much you appreciate them.
  2. Find opportunities to give compliments.
  3. Donate food or clothing to your local community.
  4. Hold the door open for a stranger.
  5. Do a favor without asking for anything in return.
  6. Leave a generous tip while eating out.
  7. Smile at someone, just because.

What can we change in the world?

10 ways you can change the world today

  • Spend your consumer dollar wisely.
  • Know who’s looking after your money (and what they’re doing with it)
  • Give a percentage of your income to charity every year.
  • Give blood (and your organs, when you’re done with them)
  • Avoid that #NewLandfillFeeling.
  • Use the interwebz for good.
  • Volunteer.

How we can make the world a better place?

7 Ways to Make the World a Better Place

  1. Volunteer your time at local schools. Whether you have a school-age child or not, children are the future of this world.
  2. Recognize the humanity of other people, and respect their dignity.
  3. Use less paper.
  4. Drive less.
  5. Conserve water.
  6. Donate to clean water charities.
  7. Be generous.

Do people’s feelings change?

Having or feeling an emotional connection with someone is not easy to explain. But feelings do change. Feelings change for many reasons and is a natural progression of any relationship. Some reasons include having children, a stressful job, growing as an individual person or going down separate paths.

Do women’s feelings change?

The studies show that women’s feelings about their long-term relationship do change across the cycle. We report findings that suggest that variations across the cycle in women’s reproductive hormones might play an important role in romantic relationship dynamics.

Can guys sense when you’re on your period?

“Are you on your period?” It’s a question most women have been asked at one point or another by their boyfriend or spouse during a disagreement. It turns out that some men actually can tell when it’s a woman’s time of the month—and it’s not because of bratty behavior.

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