
What are subjective questions?

What are subjective questions?

What Is a Subjective Question? Subjective questions are questions that require answers in the form of explanations. Subjective questions include essay questions, short answer, definitions, scenario questions, and opinion questions.

Can you do descriptive questions in Google forms?

If you want to add an explanation for your question you can add a description. This is the best way to keep your question short. Just remember that the whole question is inserted in the sheet that collects the answers and it is better to keep it short.

What are Google form text questions?

For the Text type question, you simply type in a question and the user gets a one-line text box to enter their response. open-ended or essay type responses. can choose as many of the choices as they wish from what you have provided. the Multiple Choice and Checkbox types.

Can an IP address be traced to a cell phone?

So, while it is possible someone can geo-locate you by knowing your phone’s IP address (which changes every time you leave your house and come back, as well as every time your device finds a new network to connect to), it is incredibly unlikely due to the nature of cellular data networks and wi-fi routers.

How do I find the IP address of another phone?

To find your Android phone’s IP address, follow these steps:

  1. Open Settings and browse to Network & internet > Wi-Fi.
  2. If you’re not already connected to your Wi-Fi network, tap its name and confirm that it joins.
  3. Then tap the network’s name and expand the Advanced section.

What can IP reveal?

The IP address routes internet traffic to your computer. To clarify, it does not reveal your location. If someone was able to get your IP address they could learn a bit about your internet service, such as which provider you use to connect to the internet, but they really can’t locate you, your home, or your office.

Can someone use the same IP address?

The Question As I understand it, two computers cannot have the same public (external) IP address unless they are connected via the same router. If they are connected via the same router, then they can have (share) the same public IP address yet have different private (local) IP addresses.

Is IP address linked to device or location?

Your IP address is tied to a physical location on the map that is set by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Are IP addresses private?

Any IP address that falls specified ranges is a private IP address and is non-routable on the Internet. These addresses are reserved for use only within private/corporate network and cannot be seen outside the private networks.

Is 172 a private IP address?

Note that only a portion of the “172” and the “192” address ranges are designated for private use. The remaining addresses are considered “public,” and thus are routable on the global Internet.

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