What are the 12 bar blues chords?

What are the 12 bar blues chords?

In whatever key you are in, 12-bar blues uses the same basic sequence of I, IV, and V chords. It is most easily thought of as three 4-bar sections – the first 4, the middle 4, and the last 4 bars. The first 4 bars just use the I chord – I, I, I, I. The middle 4 bars go IV, IV, I, I.

What is the form for 12 Bar Blues quizlet?

Terms in this set (6) What is 12-bar blues form? Common structural pattern found in rhythm and blues, rock and roll and jazz.

How many measures are in a 12 bar blues?

4 measures

What songs use the 12 Bar Blues?

50+ Legendary 12 Bar Blues Songs – The Essential List

Song / Artist UG Chords/Tabs Guitar Pro Tabs
1. Pride and Joy – Stevie Ray Vaughan Chords / Tabs GP Tabs
2. Rock and Roll – Led Zeppelin Chords / Tabs GP Tabs
3. Tush – ZZ Top Chords / Tabs GP Tabs
4. Johnny B. Goode – Chuck Berry Chords / Tabs GP Tabs

How can you tell if a song is 12-bar blues?

The lyrics of a 12-bar blues song often follow what’s known as an AAB pattern. “A” refers to the first and second four-bar verse, and “B” is the third four-bar verse. In a 12-bar blues, the first and second lines are repeated, and the third line is a response to them—often with a twist.

Which is older jazz or blues?

Many believe jazz came out of the blues, or that jazz has its roots in the blues. Both jazz and blues originated in the deep south around the end of the 19th century. The blues came out of the African-American communities, from their work songs, spirituals, field chants and hollers.

How can I jazz up a song?

How to turn any Song into a Jazz Song

  1. Play 7th Chords.
  2. Extend the chords (play 9th and 13th chords)
  3. Alter the chords.
  4. Add Passing Chords.
  5. Choose appropriate Jazz Chord Voicings.
  6. Embellish the melody (add in a little improvisation and a few ornamentals)
  7. Reharmonization (see below)

What makes chords jazzy?

3 Guidelines to Make Major Chords Sound Jazzy Chord clusters are when we have 2 or more notes played either a whole step or half step apart. They sound very good when playing jazz because the notes create a little bit of “rub” with one another.

What is a turn in jazz music?

Always, a turn is played by starting on the main note (the note with the symbol above it!), then play the note above, return to the main note, the note below, then finally return to the main note. One very important fact about turns is that all notes are “diatonic“, meaning they stick to the key signature of the piece.

Is jazz harder than blues?

jazz has harder rhythms to grasp and more complex chords progressions. Jazz is more flexible, in that musicians have to adjust more in a freestyle jazz jam. A blues jam, on the other hand, will be the same chord progression until the musicians get sick of it and play a different song

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