What are the 26 katas?

What are the 26 katas?

List of 26 Shotokan Kata’s

Kata No. of moves Kata meaning
Tekki Shodan 23 “Iron Horse One”
Tekki Nidan 24 “Iron Horse Two”
Tekki Sandan 26 “Iron Horse Three”
Bassai Dai 42 “Penetrating the Fortress-Big”

How many katas are there in karate?

Even though there are numerous forms of kata in existence, 102 katas are approved by the World Karate Federation and are performed at WKF-recognized events.

What is the name of 3 kata in karate?

* Pinan kata: created by Ankō Itosu, and consisting of Pinan Shodan (平安初段), Pinan Nidan (平安二段), Pinan Sandan (平安三段), Pinan Yodan (平安四段), and Pinan Godan (平安五段). * Kushanku: “Sky Viewing”. * Naihanchi (内畔戦; also known as Naifanchi): this was the original name for the three Tekki kata, but was changed by Funakoshi.

How many katas are there?

Shotokan Karate is comprised of 26 katas, each with their own emphasis on fast and slow or controlled and powerfull movements. Virtually all of the katas taught today in the Shotokan system have two kiai points.

What is the hardest kata?

Unsu is one of the most difficult Shotokan Katas because it contains a difficult jump that requires the practitioner to turn 360 degrees around in the air. Competitive karate practitioners often try to attain a very high jump on this move in competition. Unsu also includes many quick combinations and turns on one leg.

What is the first karate kata called?

Taigyoku Shodan

What is the name of 1st Kata?

Taikyoku Shodan

What is a karate kick called?

Glossary of Karate terminology used by the KUGB

Japanese Translation Translation
Geri – Kicks
Mae geri Front kick Side snap kick
Yoko geri kekomi Side thrust kick Roundhouse kick
Ushiro geri Back kick Knee kick

What are the 3 basic kicks in karate?

To help, here are three basic karate moves and how to do them.

  • Straight Punch (Choku Zuki) A straight punch, Choku Zuki in Japanese, is also known as the jab.
  • Front Kick (Mae Geri) One of the most basic kicks is the front kick, Mae Geri in Japanese.
  • Roundhouse Kick (Mawashi Geri)
  • Building Blocks.

Are kicks more powerful than punches?

Are kicks or punches more powerful? When it comes to measuring the force delivered, kicks are more powerful. And so, a faster punch can often have more power in a fight than a slower kick. This is why the most effective martial arts, tend to use both kicks and punches rather than relying on one over the other.

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