What are the 8 Civil Rights Acts?

What are the 8 Civil Rights Acts?


Amendment/Act Public Law/ U.S. Code
Civil Rights Act of 1960 P.L. 86–449; 74 Stat. 86
Civil Rights Act of 1964 P.L. 88–352; 78 Stat. 241
Voting Rights Act of 1965 P.L. 89–110; 79 Stat. 437
Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act) P.L. 90–284; 82 Stat. 73

What did the Fair Housing Act of 1968 do to end housing discrimination?

The 1968 Act expanded on previous acts and prohibited discrimination concerning the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, religion, national origin, sex, (and as amended) handicap and family status.

What forms of discrimination are prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of 1968?

what forms of discrimination are prohibited by the civil rights act of 1968? forbids anyone to refuse to sell or rent a dwelling to anyone on groundsof race, color, religion, sex national origin, or disability, family with children. You just studied 9 terms!

What is the most common type of fair housing discrimination?

Race used to be the most common type of housing discrimination alleged by residents. About 57 million Americans have a disability, and people with disabilities are protected under the Fair Housing Act, which also prohibits housing discrimination based on sex, race, religion, color, national origin and family status.

What are the different types of housing discrimination?

California law protects individuals from illegal discrimination by housing providers based on the following:

  • Race, color.
  • Ancestry, national origin.
  • Citizenship, immigration status*
  • Primary language*
  • Age*
  • Religion.
  • Disability, mental or physical.
  • Sex, gender.

Who is protected under the Fair Housing Act?

California fair housing laws prohibit discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability—just like federal law. In addition, California outlaws discrimination in housing because of a person’s: Source of Income.

What are the characteristics of housing discrimination?

In the Sale and Rental of Housing: It is illegal discrimination to take any of the following actions because of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin: Refuse to rent or sell housing. Refuse to negotiate for housing.

Which of the following is an exception to the Fair Housing Act?

Yes, there are four important exceptions to the Fair Housing Act: Single family homes, as long as the home is also rented or sold by the owner, the owner does not own more than 3 such homes at a time, the advertising for the sale or rental was not discriminatory, and the owner did not use a real estate agent or broker.

What is the best response to questions regarding protected classes?

a policies and procedures investigation. within one year after the occurrence. What is the best response to questions regarding protected classes? “I am prohibited by federal law from discussing race, color, religion, national origin, gender, handicap and familial status.”

Who may be exempt from the Fair Housing Act of 1968?

Age: An exemption is provided to housing protections afforded to age and familial classes intended for older people. Housing may be restricted to people 62 or older or 55 or older in cases where at least one occupant per unit is 55 and at least 80 percent of the units are occupied by people ages 55 or older.

How long does an HUD investigation take?

within 100 days

What can a federal judge award in a fair housing lawsuit?

If the Federal Court decides in your favor, a Judge or jury may order the following relief: Compensation for actual damages, including out-of-pocket expenses and emotional distress damages. Permanent injunctive relief, such as an order not to discriminate.

What is the length of the statute of limitations to file a fair housing complaint with HUD quizlet?

The federal Fair Housing Act is administered by the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) under the direction of the secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against may file a complaint with HUD within one (1) year of the alleged act.

What type of plan does a property manager implement to manage renters who do not pay their rent in a timely way?

Collection plan

What is a person called who is asked to simulate a housing transaction in order to obtain evidence of fair housing violations?

What is a person called who is asked to simulate a housing transaction in order to obtain evidence of fair housing violations? Sampler. Faux Buyer.

What are the three keys to good ethical practices?

What are the three keys to good ethical practices? High ethical standards in real estate are very important, and good ethical practices center upon trustworthiness, honesty and competence.

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