What are the achievements of five year plans in India?

What are the achievements of five year plans in India?

Achievements of Planning:

  • A Higher Growth Rate:
  • Growth of Economic Infrastructure:
  • 3. Development of Basic and Capital Goods Industries:
  • Higher Growth of Agriculture:
  • Savings and Investment:
  • Inadequate Growth Rate:
  • Whither India’s Socialistic Society:
  • Economic Inequality and Social Injustice:

What was the target of agriculture growth under 11th Plan?

The growth in agriculture in the 11th Plan is likely to be around 3.2 percent per year, which is higher than 10th Plan growth rate but lower than the target (4.0%) for 11th Plan.

What are the achievements of planning in India?

Some of the major achievements of planning in India are as follows:

  • Economic Growth:
  • Progress in Agriculture:
  • Industrial Growth:
  • Public Sector:
  • Infrastructure:
  • Education and Health Care:
  • Growth of Service Sector:
  • Savings and Investment:

What was the growth target of the 11th Five Plan of India?

Explanation: The growth target of the 11th five plan for India was 8.1% but it achieved only 7.9%.

Who prepared the Eleventh Five Plan of India?

Manmohan Singh

What is the main aim of 11th five year plan?

Objectives: The Eleventh Five Year Plan aims to achieve improved quality of life for the citizens of the state and contribute to the larger national goals of socio-economic development. This will require faster and more equitable social and economic development of the state.

What is the name of eleventh five year plan?

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has termed the 11th five year plan as “India’s educational plan”. The 11th Plan, approved at the meeting of the National Development Council in December 2007, places the highest priority on education as a centred instrument for achieving rapid and inclusive growth.

Which is the final step in the planning process?

The last step in planning process is the implementation part. The planning should be put into action so that business objectives may be achieved. The implementation will require establishment of policies, procedures, standards and budgets.

Is planning important in life?

Planning helps to direct and redirect future for self and others for efficient living standard. For example if in future you may need money immediately, what you will do? That’s why most of the people save money, So that they can walk towards future confidently. That’s why planning is important to survive in life.

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