
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the graphic rating scale method?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the graphic rating scale method?

Graphic Rating scale: The method is easy to understand and quite user friendly. It allows behaviors to be quantified making appraisal system much easier. However, the scale has disadvantages that make it difficult to use as an effective management tool. Even with intense training, some evaluators will be too strict.

What is MBO advantages and disadvantages?

Management by Objectives (MBO) may be resented by subordinates. They may be under pressure to get along with the management when setting goals and objectives and these goals may be set unrealistically high. This may lower their morale and they may become suspicious about the philosophy behind MBO.

What are the disadvantages of MBO?

Limitations of MBO:

  • Lack of Support of Top Management:
  • Resentful Attitude of Subordinates:
  • Difficulties in Quantifying the Goals and Objectives:
  • Costly and Time Consuming Process:
  • Emphasis on Short Term Goals:
  • Lack of Adequate Skills and Training:
  • Poor Integration:
  • Lack of Follow Up:

Why is MBO important?

Efficient Utilization of Human Resources is important to every organization. With MBO, employees and managers collaborate on assigning roles and setting goals. As a result, both sides assure that individual talents are appropriate to the task at hand and the measurable objectives are highly achievable.

How can Mbo be made effective?

The objectives and goals should be set with the active participation of the subordinates. There should be effective two way communication between the superior and the subordinates for setting the goals, and for discussing the subordinates problems. MBO works best when the goals are willingly accepted.

Is one of the basic feature of MBO?

MBO is based on the assumption that people perform better when they know what is expected of them and can relate their personal goals to organizational objectives. Superior subordinate participation, joint goal setting and support and encouragement from superior to subordinates are the basic features of MBO.

What is the first step in MBO process?

Establishing Goals: The first step in an MBO programme is the establishment of clear and concise goals of performance which are understood and accepted by both superior and subordinate. Initially, the superior determines his objectives and general programme.

What are the characteristics of Organisation?

Some of the characteristics of organisation are studied as follows:

  • Division of Work: Organisation deals with the whole task of business.
  • Co-Ordination:
  • Common Objectives:
  • Co-operative Relationship:
  • Well-Defined Authority-Responsibility Relationships:

What is the importance of Organisation?

Organizing is an important means of creating coordination and communication among the various departments of the organization. Different jobs and positions are interrelated by structural relationship. It specifies the channel and mode of communication among different members.

What makes a successful Organisation?

Behaviors that make an organization successful include doing more than is expected or necessary and being honest in all communications. To really make a difference in the company, these behaviors must be promoted by management and employees.

What are the disadvantages of Dropbox’s current organizational structure?

What are the disadvantages of Dropbox’s current organizational structure? The functional structure may not be sufficient to meet the needs of multiple office locations. The functional tasks required by Dropbox are homogeneous, regardless of customer type.

What are the disadvantages of organizational structure?

Main Disadvantages of Functional Organization Structure

  • It will lead to poor communication and coordination across functional units.
  • There will be lack of understanding across departments.
  • They focus more on their own goals and neglect the overall company objectives.
  • Communication in organizations with functional organizational structures can be rigid.

What are the benefits of a good organizational structure?

What are the benefits of organizational structures?

  • Faster decision making.
  • Multiple business locations.
  • Improved operating efficiency.
  • Greater employee performance.
  • Eliminates duplication of work.
  • Reduced employee conflict.
  • Better communication.
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