What are the advantages of document review?

What are the advantages of document review?

One of the basic advantages of a document study is that it allows research on subjects to which the researcher does not have easy physical access. It is also free from reactivity, particularly when the document is written for some other purposes. The document study offers an opportunity for longitudinal analysis.

What are the disadvantages of document analysis?

A document will not perfectly provide all of the necessary information required to answer your research questions. Some documents may only provide a small amount of useful data or sometimes none at all. Other documents may be incomplete, or their data may be inaccurate or inconsistent.

What is a document review in research?

Document review is a systematic collection, documentation, analysis and interpretation, and organization of data as a data collection method in research. Document review results in information and insight into the research question and to the practice of teaching.

What is the function of document review?

Document review is the final stage before production, in which a litigant provides discoverable information to its opponent. The purpose of document review, then, is to identify what information falls within the scope of discovery.

Which method of data collection covers wide area at low cost?

Under mailed questionnaire method, a well designed questionnaire is mailed to the informants with a request to fill it up and return the same within the specific time schedule. By this method, a wide range of people can be connected.

What are the disadvantage of secondary data?

Disadvantages of Secondary Data Analysis A major disadvantage of using secondary data is that it may not answer the researcher’s specific research questions or contain specific information that the researcher would like to have.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of desk research?

Desk research is information that is second hand. It has already been collected by someone else. Methods of collecting desk research include: sales figures….Desk research/Secondary research.

Advantages Disadvantages
Saves time Not specifically gathered for the business
Relatively inexpensive May be out of date
Widely available May contain bias

What are the disadvantages of desk research?


  • Information may be outdated, therefore inaccurate.
  • The data may be biased and it is hard to know if the information was collected is accurate.
  • The data was not gathered for the specific purpose the firm needs or is not relevant to the original context.
  • In some cases it can be costly.

What are the benefits of desk research?

The analysis of existing information through secondary research has a number of benefits:

  • It provides fast, credible background insights.
  • Far less expensive to implement than primary research.
  • Adds context and depth to primary research findings.
  • Increases the focus and ROI of primary research.

Why is desk research useful?

Some of the benefits of desk research include: Secondary data is easily accessible and will save you time and cost. It will help the researcher to understand the research problem, generate hypotheses and determine the most effective methodology and sample for future research.

Is desk research qualitative?

Another important qualitative research technique is the depth interview. Desk research is the collection of secondary data from internal sources, the internet, libraries, trade associations, government agen- cies, and published reports.

What is an example of desk research?

This kind of research will take the form of surveys, customer interviews and focus groups. Research that addresses the goals your system will support and the environment it will be used in, but doesn’t tell us much about users. Examples include call centre or web analytics.

What is desk research method?

Secondary research or desk research is a research method that involves using already existing data. Existing data is summarized and collated to increase the overall effectiveness of research. Secondary research includes research material published in research reports and similar documents.

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