
What are the advantages of having a diverse corrections staff?

What are the advantages of having a diverse corrections staff?

ADVANTAGES OF A DIVERSE CORRECTIONS STAFF PART 2  Gender sensitivity  Having a diverse corrections staff allows for more men and women to feel comfortable with those they are getting help from, and helps to avoid sexual harassment issues.

Why is diversity important in corrections?

It is important to understand whether or not increased racial diversity creates problems in feelings of teamwork among correctional officers and their beliefs about their ability to work effectively with inmates. Racial diversity was also expected to have a negative effect upon evaluations of teamwork.

What are the four goals of Corrections?

Four different goals of corrections are commonly espoused: retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. Each of these goals has received varied levels of public and professional support over time.

Does incarceration reduce the potential for crime?

Much of this research is guided by the hypothesis that incarceration reduces crime through incapacitation and deterrence. Incapacitation refers to the crimes averted by the physical isolation of convicted offenders during the period of their incarceration.

How does imprisonment affect families?

Children of incarcerated parents are more likely to exhibit low self-esteem, depres- sion, emotional withdrawal from friends and family, and inappropriate or disruptive behavior at home and in school, and they are at increased risk of future delinquency and/or criminal behavior (Travis and Waul, 2003; Murray and …

What is the leading alternative to incarceration?

that alternatives to incarceration (probation, restitution, community service, and/or rehabilitative services) are the most appropriate sentence for nonviolent, non-serious offenders and that prison or jail are appropriate only if these alternatives fail.

Why were open prisons introduced 1933?

They became popular due to the overcrowding of prisons following the Second World War. Their focus is on resettling prisoners into the community as a way of preventing reoffending. Many inmates in an open prison are low-risk first time offenders who have committed minor crimes.

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