What are the advantages of using multiple methods in research?
First, research questions often pointed to the need for MMR design: “The main benefit of using multiple methods is that it produces better research—because you can answer questions with one method that can’t even be posed within the framework of another.” Multiple methods were particularly helpful in exploratory …
What is multi method research?
Multimethod research entails the application of two or more sources of data or research methods to the investigation of a research question or to different but highly linked research questions. A second form might entail employing two or more methods of data collection.
What are the advantages of using mixed method research design?
Mixed methods have great flexibility and are adaptable to many study designs, such as observational studies and randomized trials, to elucidate more information than can be obtained in only quantitative research. Collects rich, comprehensive data.
What is the role of the researcher in qualitative research?
The role of the researcher in qualitative research is to attempt to access the thoughts and feelings of study participants. However the data are being collected, a primary responsibility of the researcher is to safeguard participants and their data.
Is research useful in any field?
Research is useful in all the fields and is used by all the departments, whether public or private. The research work is done by all age groups, whether the students or the teachers and even humankind in order to understand the society, it’s rules and other policies.
What makes a strong research study?
A good research must revolve around a novel question and must be based on a feasible study plan. It must make a significant contribution to scientific development by addressing an unanswered question or by solving a problem or difficulty that existed in the real world.