
What are the advantages of young population?

What are the advantages of young population?

Youthful Population (LEDCs)
Advantages Solutions
– provides a large and cheap future workforce – provides a growing market for manufactured products – provides a large tax base for the country – family planning – industrialisation to provide jobs in manufacturing

Is young population an advantage or disadvantage?

Though having a youthful population has several advantages, it has many disadvantages too. * It strains the education and health care services, food supplies and accommodation availabilities. * Having a youthful population also means lack of availability of jobs in future.

What are the disadvantages of being young?

The other disadvantage of being young is that usually young people are quite non persistent as they do not keep the same performance throughout but instead it fluctuates. They do not value things much which are of great importance. Youngsters are pretty gullible due to lack of mature thinking and understanding.

What are the disadvantages of a youthful population?


  • High depedency ratio.
  • Strains education and healthcare services, food supplies and accommodation availability.
  • Lack of availability of jobs in the future.
  • The present working may be unable to pay for the education of the present youthful population, leading to early withdrawal from school.

What does a youthful population mean?

The youth population is defined as those people aged less than15. The youth-dependency ratio relates the number of young persons that are likely to be dependent on the support of others for their daily needs to the number of those who are capable of providing such support.

What are the good things about the youth?

Talking about today’s youth, main good thing are:

  • They are very smart and intelligent ahead of their age,
  • They can handle a situation more easily as compared to others,
  • They have more general awareness,
  • Their grasping power is more.

What is bad about being a teenager?

A teenager has pressure from family and parents to conform to certain standards, hobbies and face backlash. Teenage life is like a minefield, filled with nasty bombs that could be dangerous when a teenager steps on them. Besides, social media bullying is also inevitable in this respect.

Is youth the best time of life?

The period of youth is the best period in a person’s life. Young age is a very precious part of our lives. At this stage of life, we have much to give to others. It can also become something to be very grateful for if we spend this period of our life in the right way.

How can a teen become a better person?

Here are my tips to improve your life as a teenager and how to be a better person as a teenager:

  1. Stop Complaining.
  2. Develop a Thick Skin.
  3. Resist Catching up with the Joneses.
  4. Embrace that Failing is Normal.
  5. Enforce Health & Avoid Bad Habits.
  6. Invest in Better Relationships.
  7. Choose Kindness Over Being Right.
  8. Respect Yourself.

How can a teenage girl be happy?

Boosting teenage happiness: tips

  1. Give your child praise when he behaves in ways you want to encourage, like helping out, doing chores or getting homework done.
  2. Give your child attention.
  3. Encourage your child to try new things.
  4. Value your child’s strengths, and praise her for who she is.

What makes a girl jealous?

Having given their hearts to a man, they often feel entitled to him alone and doesn’t want the man to “look elsewhere”. Most girls become jealous because they love a guy so much and they feel they may lose him if they don’t work harder to keep his attention.

How can I make my girl go crazy in bed?

11 Foreplay Tips That Will Make Her Go Crazy In Bed

  1. Dirty Talk. © Shutterstock.
  2. Touch Her At Different Places. © Shutterstock.
  3. Pay Special Attention To Her Ears. © Shutterstock.
  4. Massage Her Sensitive Areas. © Shutterstock.
  5. Take Off Her Clothes, Slowly. © Shutterstock.
  6. Surprise Her With A New Move. © Shutterstock.
  7. Play With Her Breasts Right. © Shutterstock.
  8. Multitask. © Shutterstock.
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