What are the aims and objectives of cooking?

What are the aims and objectives of cooking?

 Cooking gives a variety to the menu, as one item could be cooked in various ways.  Cooking pleases the eye and is receptive to the palate and helps to stimulate the digestive juices, thereby creating an appetite  Cooking kills the germs present in the raw food items.  Cooking preserve food for a longer time.

What are the main objectives of cooking?

The objectives of cooking is to achieve certain results such as: 1) To facilitate and fasten digestion, so that the cooked food is absorbed by the digestive system and subsequently assimilated by the body.

What are the main objectives of food?

In a nutshell, it can be said that main objectives are

  • To preserve the nutritive quality of food by preventing them from spoilage due to microbes & other spoilage agents.
  • Prolong the shelf life (preservation), as processed food is more stable than the raw food.
  • Enhance the quality.

What are principles of cooking?

The basic cornerstones of cooking have been around for ages and honed by master chefs are now being studied by home cooks. There has been a lot of talk recently about the basic principles of cooking: salt, fat, acid, and heat. These tenets of the culinary world are nothing new.

What are the principles of cooking cereals?

Cereal • Prevent lumps in cereal by adding cereal slowly to rapidly boiling water while stirring gently. If the cereal particles are very fine, use part of the water called for and add it cold to the cereal to disperse and separate the particles.

What do you think is the purpose of cooking cereals?

PURPOSE OF COOKING The treatment to which they must be subjected is cooking, for the structure of grains is such that cooking is the only means by which the coverings of the starch granules can be softened and broken to make them digestible.

Why is it important to apply the principles in cooking cereals?

Answer: Cooking to convert nutrients ‘ into more digestible forms, is very important in the case of cereals which contain so much starch; and since the starch in these foods is surrounded by cell-walls of crude fiber (largely cellulose) upon which the digestive juices are unable to act, these walls must be broken down.

What are the function of cereals in cooking and preparing food?

They are excellent source of starch and B vitamins. Cereals also contribute to satiety and are used to prepare the main dish. No meal can be made without cereals. Cereals are used as thickening agent, e.g. corn flour in custards, corn flour in white sauce, macaroni in soups.

What are the benefits of cereals?

an excellent source of carbohydrates. a significant source of protein. a good source of B group vitamins, including folate. a good source of many minerals, such as iron, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and zinc.

What are the main functions of starches in food preparation?

Starchy foods are an important source of energy. After they are eaten, they are broken down into glucose, which is the body’s main fuel, especially for our brain and muscles. Starchy foods provide important nutrients to the diet including B vitamins, iron, calcium and folate.

What do you think is the importance of food presentation?

Food presentation is the key to pulling all five senses into the experience of eating. Hear the food being cooked, smell the ingredients, enjoy the texture as you eat, create an unforgettable taste, and of course, visually taste the food before it ever hits your tongue.

Why are garnishes important?

Usually consisting of an edible component, garnishes brighten the plate, give a clue to the flavor of the meal, complement the taste of the dish or fill empty space on the plate. Garnishes can take many forms depending on the food they are decorating.

What is the correct placement of main dish in the plate?

The Rule of Thirds – When applied to cooking, the rule of thirds prescribes placing the focal point of your dish to either the left or right side of the plate, rather than the center. Use white space by thinking of the rim as your frame and highlight your plate’s focal point(s).

Why is it important to plate food attractively?

Food presentation is just as essential to the success of a dish as its taste and flavour. The way the food looks on the plate is what tempts our eyes and makes you want to taste it. It is just as true with food presentation and how the elements are arranged on the plate. So yes, food presentation is important.

How do you present food to the guest?

Here are some tips on how to present your food for a more delightful experience for your guests.

  1. Focus on one main item.
  2. Choose the appropriate dinnerware.
  3. Use the clock rule.
  4. Plate your food in odd numbers.
  5. Take advantage of texture and color.
  6. Garnish appropriately.
  7. Focus on one main item.
  8. Choose the appropriate dinnerware.

What are the basic rules for food presentation?

The top food presentation and plating techniques

  • Create height on the plate.
  • Cut meat horizontally.
  • Play with textures.
  • Use contrasting colors.
  • Match presentation to the restaurant theme.
  • Choose the right plates.
  • Serve smaller portion sizes.
  • Use edible garnishes and decorations.

How do you describe a food presentation?

The definition of food presentation in the dictionary is: “the art of modifying, processing, arranging, or decorating food to enhance its aesthetic appeal.” Our first experience of food is usually how it looks, then how it smells and lastly how it tastes.

How do you describe a food menu?

Use sensory words – such as “fiery,” ”savory” and “crispy” – to describe your dishes. People are driven by their senses, and by using simple yet tantalizing terms that speak to the each of the five senses, you paint a clear picture of what diners can expect from the dish.

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