
What are the benefits of getting good grades?

What are the benefits of getting good grades?

Benefits of Getting Good Grades in High School

  • Good Grades Can Lead to Scholarships. Westend61 / Getty Images.
  • Good Grades Lead to Fun Opportunities.
  • Good Grades Open the Door to Future Opportunities.
  • Good Grades May Improve Social Life.
  • Good Grades Can Boost Confidence.

How do you keep good grades in high school?

Nine Tips for Getting Good Grades in High School

  1. Do Your Homework. It sounds obvious, doesn’t it?
  2. Participate in Class.
  3. Take Good Notes in Class.
  4. Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help.
  5. Keep Yourself Motivated.
  6. Create a Study Schedule.
  7. Remove Distractions.
  8. Don’t Study Alone.

What is another word for good grades?

What is another word for good grade?

excellent grade exceptional grade
high grade outstanding grade
satisfactory grade superb grade
top grade

What should I use instead of different?


  • disparate,
  • dissimilar,
  • distant,
  • distinct,
  • distinctive,
  • distinguishable,
  • diverse,
  • nonidentical,

What word rhymes with different?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
indifferent 100 [x/x]
magnificent 92 [x/xx]
belligerent 92 [x/xx]
itinerant 92 [x/xx]

What is another word for not the same?

What is another word for not the same?

different dissimilar
disparate contrasting
distinct distinctive
incompatible inconsistent
unlike clashing

What does dissimilar mean?

: not the same or similar : different or unalike people with dissimilar backgrounds dissimilar materials The responsibilities of the resident were not dissimilar to those of the intern …—

What is not dissimilar to?

: not different : similar A not dissimilar situation has occurred overseas. The question is not dissimilar to one asked earlier.

Is dissimilar a real word?

adjective. not similar; unlike; different.

What is similar and dissimilar?

Similar (Like) fractions are fractions with same denominators. On the other hand, dissimilar (Unlike) fractions are fractions with different denominators.

How do you know if fractions are similar?

You can make equivalent fractions by multiplying or dividing both top and bottom by the same amount. You only multiply or divide, never add or subtract, to get an equivalent fraction. Only divide when the top and bottom stay as whole numbers.

How do we add dissimilar fractions?

First, we will change dissimilar fractions into similar fractions by finding the least common denominator. Second, add them like similar fractions. And then finally, convert the answer in the lowest term.

How do you make denominators the same?

Making The Denominators the Same To make the denominators the same we can: Multiply top and bottom of each fraction by the denominator of the other. We simplified the fraction 2032 to 1016 , then to 58 by dividing the top and bottom by 2 each time, and that is as simple as it can get!

What is the least common denominator of 8 and 12?


What is the least common denominator?

The least common denominator (LCD) is the smallest number that can be a common denominator for a set of fractions. Also known as the lowest common denominator, it is the lowest number you can use in the denominator to create a set of equivalent fractions that all have the same denominator.

What is the LCD of 4 and 6?

A common denominator is a denominator that you can reach by both denominators. For example in the problem 3/4+ 5/6 a common denominator is 12 because it is the lowest number that both 4 and 6 can reach by multiplying with whole numbers. Thanks for reading hope it helps!

What is the LCM of 15 and 20?


What is the LCM of 12 15 and 21?

LCM of 12, 15, and 21 is 420.

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