What are the benefits of watching?

What are the benefits of watching?

Here are 13 reasons why.

  • Educational. TV has many educational benefits for children and adults.
  • Stay Current. TV is a source of news.
  • Get Cultured. TV can provide a cheap escape instead of travelling.
  • Crazy Fandoms are Fun.
  • Feel the Connection.
  • Family Bonding.
  • Learn a Language.
  • Mental Health.

What are the disadvantages of news?

Disadvantages of Newspapers:

  • Short shelf life, newspapers are read only once.
  • Poorly print limits creativity.
  • Ad space may be expensive, Passive medium (people are not forced to see and read)
  • No audio-video element.
  • Less up to-date in news coverage.
  • A literacy (literate but finding an arduous activity)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of news?

Newspaper – Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Newspapers are rich sources of information.
  • Lot of people rely on newspapers for learning current affairs and World happenings.
  • Newspaper reading as a habit is very good for everyone.
  • Any news that reaches via information is late.
  • In today’s world, internet and televisions are taking over the place of newspapers.

What are the disadvantages of online news?


  • Require data/wifi to get online.
  • Companies not making as much money due to free reading for audiences.
  • News spreads quicker online – people find out news before they should.
  • Lose money – can’t get people to pay for digital.
  • Older audiences may not access digital platforms.
  • Costly to maintain.
  • Errors stay online FOREVER.

What are the pros and cons of TV?

8 Different Pros and Cons of Television

  • Pro: Free entertainment.
  • Pro: Social surrogacy.
  • Pro: Educational channels.
  • Pro: Family bonding.
  • Con: Television can make you lazy.
  • Con: Violence & illicit content.
  • Con: Consumerism.
  • Con: Health Hazards.

Is watching your phone at night bad?

The blue light that your smart phone emits is not only bad for your vision, but it’s bad for your brain too. Dr. Walia says that research has found a correlation between suppressed levels of melatonin and exposure to blue light. Melatonin is a hormone responsible for controlling your sleep-wake cycle.

Is it bad to use phone in dark?

The blue light that emits from your smartphone and laptop screens may seem harmless, but according to new research, it can be toxic for your eyes. Essentially, the light waves contain enough energy to erode the health of your eyes over time. “It’s no secret that blue light harms our vision by damaging the eye’s retina.

Is it OK to use your phone in the dark?

Scientists have uncovered that blue light emission from your smart phone and laptop screens may seem harmless but may be toxic to the eyes and causing macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss in the US.

Why is dark mode bad?

Why you shouldn’t use dark mode While dark mode does reduce eye strain and battery consumption, there are some downsides to using it as well. The first reason has to do with the way the image is formed in our eyes. The clarity of our vision depends on how much light is entering in our eyes.

Is Night mode better for eyes?

Dark mode successfully cuts glare and reduces blue light, both of which help your eyes. However, dark mode isn’t for everyone, and in some cases, it can actually cause more vision problems than solutions.

Should you sleep with your phone next to you?

Sleeping with your phone near you can be harmful for your body functions and tend to limit the production of many significant hormones. Place the phone several feet away from your bed if you’re not going to switch it off.

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