What are the characteristics of Hansel and Gretel?

What are the characteristics of Hansel and Gretel?

He is witty and easily comes up with a plan to fool the witch and he saves not only himself but his sister too. Gretel is a frightful girl that cries all the time and she was a thoughtful sister who would share her last piece of bread with her brother.

What is the characteristics of Hansel?

Appearance and Personality Hansel is described as a young man who enjoyed attention and admiration, caring only about himself. According to Gretel, he used their story (and her) to celebrate himself as a hero, taking credit for killing the witch and reaping awards from the adoring public.

What type of character is Gretel?

Gretel is a radical or militant feminist. In the fairy tale “Gretel”, Keillor has sketched her character as a strong and dominant person. She blames the male characters who want to exploit her and her step-mother. She has to get half of the profits earned by selling the book according to the contract.

What did Kotler call Pavel?

Kotler tells Pavel to wash his hands before he handles the food, and calls him a mean name that startles both Gretel and Bruno. Lieutenant Kotler treats Pavel very unkindly, even more unkindly than Father treats Maria.

Is Lieutenant Kotler Bruno’s dad?

He is seen as the scary one from Shmuel and Bruno’s point of view and is cruel to others, especially Jews. Gretel is thought to have a crush on him….

Kurt Kotler
Ethnicity Caucasian-German
Age 19
Family Unnamed father
Occupation Schutzstaffel Lieutenant

Why did Lt Kotler get in trouble?

Not only does Lieutenant Kotler have a father who appears to have left the country rather than support it, but the lieutenant has not reported this to his superiors. This was a major breach in military protocol, and so he was removed from his position at Auschwitz.

Why is Shmuel afraid to eat the chicken?

Why was Shmuel afraid to eat the chicken that Bruno was offering to him? Shmuel was allergic to chicken. Shmuel was a vegetarian. Shmuel didn’t want Lieutenant Kotler to catch him and hurt him.

What was Bruno’s question to Shmuel?

Whenever Bruno parrots the fact that he is “superior,” Shmuel is completely silent. In response to Bruno’s last question, Shmuel would probably simply stare into Bruno’s eyes while saying, “Those friends are no longer important.” This would continue to cement their friendship.

What was Bruno’s last words?

And unlike Galileo, he not only didn’t fear torture and death, but his last words on the subject —literally his last words on the subject, (spoken to his tormentors just after they had sentenced him)— were defiant: “Perhaps you who pronounce my sentence are in greater fear than I who receive it.”

What is Bruno’s nickname for Gretel?

Gretel is the name of Bruno’s 12-year-old sister, who he refers to as the “Hopeless Case.” She earns this nickname because of her mean spirited nature and disagreeable attitude. Bruno has essentially “lost all hope” in getting along with her and changing Gretel for the better.

What reaction does Shmuel have to Bruno’s haircut?

What is Shmuel’s reaction when he saw Bruno’s haircut? He was quite impressed at his new haircut. He said he did not like it because it did not look like him at all!

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