
What are the characteristics of scholarships?

What are the characteristics of scholarships?

Characteristics of Scholarship

  • Clear Goals. Does the scholar state the basic purposes of his or her work clearly?
  • Adequate Preparation. Does the scholar show an understanding of existing scholarship in the field?
  • Appropriate Methods. Does the scholar use methods appropriate to the goals?
  • Significant Results.
  • Effective Presentation.
  • Reflective Critique.

What makes a person a good candidate for a scholarship?

Applicants who are focused on their short and long term goals are more likely to win a scholarship. Organizations tend to sponsor students who are not easily distracted. A well-written application that is concise, focused, and not rambling is the best way to show that you are focused on your academic and career goals.

What are the seven character traits?

Tough’s book outlines seven character traits that he says are key to success:

  • Grit.
  • Curiosity.
  • Self-control.
  • Social intelligence.
  • Zest.
  • Optimism.
  • Gratitude.

What do you call a very serious person?

1 grave, humourless, long-faced, pensive, sedate, sober, solemn, stern, thoughtful, unsmiling. 2 deliberate, determined, earnest, genuine, honest, in earnest, resolute, resolved, sincere.

What do you call a person that never smiles?

0. Unsmiling – An unsmiling person is not smiling, and looks serious or unfriendly.

What do you call a serious face?

1 grave, humourless, long-faced, pensive, sedate, sober, solemn, stern, thoughtful, unsmiling.

How do you tell someone is serious?


  1. earnest,
  2. grave,
  3. humorless,
  4. no-nonsense,
  5. po-faced.
  6. [British],
  7. sedate,
  8. severe,

How do I stop being a serious person?

Here are some quick tips to live by when you want to stop taking yourself so seriously:

  1. Have a goal for each day. This gives you something to look forward to.
  2. Begin each day with gratitude.
  3. Let go of grudges.
  4. Live in the present.
  5. If you make a mistake, learn from it.
  6. Pursue your interests and dreams.

What is the opposite of seriously?

Opposite of in a solemn or considered manner. casually. indifferently. lightly.

What is the opposite of erect?

What is the opposite of erect?

recumbent bent
flat horizontal
leaning prone
relaxed supine
lowered prostrate

Whats the opposite of lazy?

What is the opposite of lazy?

hard-working diligent
industrious conscientious
assiduous hardworking
ambitious committed
dedicated devoted

What’s the opposite of talkative?

talkative(adjective) Antonyms: monosyllabic, uncommunicative, terse, withdrawn, mute, sullen, quiet, dour, laconic, silent, taciturn. Synonyms: chatty, long-winded, logorrheic, gabby, outspoken, loquacious, verbose, talksome, indiscreet, garrulous, outgoing.

What do we call a lazy person?

lazy person. loafer. ne’er-do-well. slacker. sluggard.

Can lazy person change?

Master changing one lazy habit at a time. Yes, it will take some time to form new habits and completely replace the habit of laziness. But it will be well worth it in the end. You just need to begin with ONE thing.

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