What are the differences between a motor and sensory pathway select all that apply?

What are the differences between a motor and sensory pathway select all that apply?

A motor pathway triggers motion, while a sensory pathway passes information from the senses.

What is the correct order for the events that occur during a reflex?

Stimulus, sensory neuron, intermediary neuron, motor neuron and defector organ is the correct order of general reflex arc.

What is the correct order of the 5 basic components of a reflex arc?

So the reflex arc consists of these five steps in order-sensor, sensory neuron, control center, motor neuron, and muscle.

What is the correct order of the 3 neurons?

There are three primary types of neuron: sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons.

Which is the correct order of events in a reflex arc quizlet?

Place the following events of a reflex arc in the correct order: 1) motor neuron activation, 2) sensory neuron activation, 3) sensory receptor activation, 4) Information processing, 5) effector response.

What is the correct pathway of a reflex arc?

The correct pathway of reflex arc is : Sensory stimulus → Dentrite of sensory neuron → Axon of sensory neuron → CNS → Dendrite of motor neuron → Axon of motor neuron → Effector organ.

Which of the following is the correct order of components in a simple spinal reflex arc?

So, the correct answer is ‘Receptors – Sensory neuron – Spinal cord – Motor neuron – Muscle’

What are the three steps of a reflex arc?

The reflex arc

  • A receptor in the skin detects a stimulus (the change in temperature).
  • Sensory neurones send electrical impulses to relay neurones, which are located in the spinal cord.
  • Motor neurones send electrical impulses to an effector.
  • The effector produces a response (muscle contracts to move hand away).

What is the purpose of the reflex arc?

A reflex arc is a neural pathway that controls a reflex. In vertebrates, most sensory neurons do not pass directly into the brain, but synapse in the spinal cord. This allows for faster reflex actions to occur by activating spinal motor neurons without the delay of routing signals through the brain.

What is the first structure of a reflex arc?

The simplest arrangement of a reflex arc consists of the receptor, an interneuron (or adjustor), and an effector; together, these units form a functional group. Sensory cells carry input from the receptor (afferent impulses) to a central interneuron, which makes contact with a motor neuron.

What is reflex arc explain with diagram?

A reflex arc is a simple nervous pathway which is responsible for the sudden reaction known as the reflex action. The afferent/sensory neurons are present in the receptor organ which receive the stimulus. The neuron transmits the sensory information from receptor organ to the spinal cord.

What is meant by reflex arc?

A reflex arc defines the pathway by which a reflex travels—from the stimulus to sensory neuron to motor neuron to reflex muscle movement.

What are the components of a spinal reflex arc?

The simplest example of a spinal reflex is the monosynapic reflex arc, having four components:

  • A receptor (in this case, the muscle spindle).
  • An afferent component (sensory input).
  • A central component (spinal processing).
  • An efferent component (motor output).

What is a quick involuntary stereotyped response to a stimulus is called?

A quick, involuntary, stereotyped response to a stimulus is called a: -flexion response.

What is the difference between a two and three neuron reflex arc?

What is the difference between a two-neuron and a three-neuron reflex arc? A two-neuron reflex arc consists of only two types of neurons and a three-neuron reflex arc consists of all three. Why are reflexes important? Reflexes are important because they help you have a quick response to danger.

What is the simplest spinal reflex?

This work has focused on operant conditioning of the simplest spinal cord reflex, the spinal stretch reflex (SSR), and its electrical analog, the Hoffmann (H)-reflex.

What is an example of Polysynaptic reflex?

For example, stimulation of pain receptors in the skin initiates a withdrawal reflex, which involves several synapses with several motor neurons and results in the removal of the organism or part from the stimulus. …

What does it mean if your reflexes are absent?

A reflex can be decreased or absent if there is a problem with the nerve supply. To test your reflexes, your doctor will use a rubber hammer to tap firmly on the tendon. If certain reflexes are decreased or absent, it will show what nerve might be compressed. Not all nerve roots have a reflex associated with them.

What will happen if we don’t have reflex action?

If the reaction is exaggerated or absent, it may indicate a damage to the central nervous system. Most reflexes go completely unnoticed because they don’t involve a visible and sudden movement. Body functions such as digestion or blood pressure, for example, are all regulated by reflexes.

Which reflex is most difficult to test?

Ankle jerks (S1/S2 myotome)—The ankle jerk is the most difficult reflex to elicit, and palpation of the Achilles tendon before striking to ensure the hammer is striking the correct location can be helpful when difficulties in interpretation are encountered (fig 3).

How do you know if you have nerve damage?

Signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy might include: Gradual onset of numbness, prickling or tingling in your feet or hands, which can spread upward into your legs and arms. Sharp, jabbing, throbbing or burning pain. Extreme sensitivity to touch.

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