
What are the different types of force explain each with one example?

What are the different types of force explain each with one example?

For example, if a book is resting upon a surface, then the surface is exerting an upward force upon the book in order to support the weight of the book….Types of Forces.

Contact Forces Action-at-a-Distance Forces
Frictional Force Gravitational Force
Tension Force Electrical Force
Normal Force Magnetic Force
Air Resistance Force

What do forces have in common?

A force can cause an object with mass to change its velocity (which includes to begin moving from a state of rest), i.e., to accelerate. Force can also be described intuitively as a push or a pull. A force has both magnitude and direction, making it a vector quantity.

How many different types of forces are there?

two types

What are examples of an unbalanced force?

Practically anything that moves is a result of the exertion of unbalanced forces on it. If you kick a football and it moves from one place to another, it means that unbalanced forces are acting upon it. Ball moves from one place to another after kicking it. This is an example of unbalanced force.

How fast does a rocket go on take off?

Solar escape velocity is nearing the practical limit of how fast one can move with conventional rockets….How fast can conventional rockets go?

Flight Plan speed required
Earth to Earth escape 24,200 mph
Earth to lunar orbit 25,700 mph
Earth to GEO (geosynchronous Earth orbit) 26,400 mph

Will we run out of rocket fuel?

Sending rockets to space will eventually consume all of our resources? As the trip goes on for 6 months, fuel is being used and wasted into deep space. Eventually, in a few centuries (I guess), we will run out of fuel and matter.

How much does it cost to fuel a rocket?

kilogram of the fuel. While finding the liquid propellant costs is relatively easy, finding costs for solid fuels is more difficult. However, the cost of solid rocket propellant is estimated at approximately $5/kg.

How much fuel does it take to launch a rocket?

At liftoff, the two Solid Rocket Boosters consume 11,000 pounds of fuel per second. That’s two million times the rate at which fuel is burned by the average family car. The twin Solid Rocket Boosters generate a combined thrust of 5.3 million pounds.

What percentage of fuel is used during takeoff rocket?

The Saturn V rocket on the launch pad was 85% propellant by mass. It had three stages; the first using kerosene-oxygen and the second and third stages using hydrogen-oxygen….Feature.

Propellant Rocket Percent Propellant for Earth Orbit
Solid Rocket 96
Kerosene-Oxygen 94
Hypergols 93
Methane-Oxygen 90

How much fuel does spacex Dragon use?

Each solid rocket booster held 1.1 million pounds of fuel. The external tank held 143,000 gallons of liquid oxygen (1,359,000 pounds) and 383,000 gallons of liquid hydrogen (226,000 pounds).

How much horsepower do rockets have?

How much horsepower do the shuttle’s main engines produce at the time of lift off? The three space shuttle main engines generate the maximum equivalent of about 37 million horsepower. The fuel pump alone delivers as much as 71,000 horsepower, the oxygen pump delivers about 23,000.

What is the strongest rocket engine?

F-1 engine

How many horsepower is a 747 engine?

The Boeing 747 cruising at 530 miles per hour at a weight of 700 000 pounds is seen to require 59 934 horsepower; the corresponding values for the Super Constellation are 330 miles per hour, 112 000 pounds, and 6585 horsepower.

What is the most powerful machine ever built?

Saturn V Moon Rocket

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