What are the disadvantages of crackers?

What are the disadvantages of crackers?

Disadvantages of Burning crackers:

  • Burning crackers causes air pollution as it releases harmful carbon dioxide gases.
  • Burning crackers also produces excessive noise causing noise pollution.
  • Crackers also accumulate garbage and act as a major reason for smog too.

What are the disadvantages of crackers or fireworks?

Firecrackers have much more severe effects in people with heart, respiratory or nervous system disorders. They can aggravate problems for people suffering from colds, allergies or coughs and can also cause congestion of the throat and chest. They can also cause water contamination and acid rains.

What are the harmful effects of bursting crackers in Diwali?

Air pollution For those with lung or heart conditions, PM10 can cause breathing problems, wheezing and tightness in the chest. Additionally, air pollution due to firecrackers can worsen the symptoms of asthma, COPD and lead to respiratory infections and premature deaths.

What are the disadvantages of Diwali?

Noise pollution is a major problem during Diwali. Firecrackers cause a tremendous amount of noise pollution. Most noteworthy, this noise pollution is pretty damaging to hearing. Also, noise pollution is a major problem for animals, old people, students, and sick people.

Why burning crackers are harmful?

The air and noise pollution’s that are caused by fire crackers can affect people with disorders related to heart, respiratory and nervous system. When these compounds pollute the air, they increase the risk of cancer in people. The harmful fumes while firing crackers can lead to miscarriage.

Why crackers are burnt on Diwali?

Firecrackers are actually a Chinese import It is believed that the gunpowder technology was brought to India and Europe from China by the Arabs. Over time, it assumed religious significance of symbolizing the victory of good over evil and got tagged along with Diwali too, as well as other festivals.

How can I keep Diwali green?

Tips for a green Diwali

  1. Avoid using electric lights to illuminate your home. Instead, opt for diyas (earthen lamps) and candles. This saves electricity.
  2. Limit usage of firecrackers that emit enormous smoke and sound.
  3. Dispose off waste properly after celebrations.
  4. Select eco-friendly gifts and decorating items.

Who found the crackers?

Firecrackers, along with fireworks, originated in China.

Can we burst crackers on Terrace?

Burst rockets and similar crackers on the terrace. Avoid alcohol while bursting crackers. Maintain a safe distance from the crackers while bursting and keep them away from face, hair and clothes. Wear cotton clothes and avoid synthetic ones while bursting crackers.

How can we stop pollution on Diwali?

You can always switch to green crackers, which help you enjoy the festival of lights without harming the environment. Green crackers are made using less harmful raw materials and additives, which reduce pollution by suppressing dust.

How can we celebrate eco-friendly Diwali Wikipedia?

Buy only eco-friendly crackers instead of chemical crackers. Eco-friendly crackers are made up of recycled paper. The sound produced by these crackers is as per the defined limits of the Pollution Board. Decorate home with “earthen lamps or diyas” instead of electrical/Chinese diyas.

What are green crackers?

Green crackers are made using less polluting raw materials. Their chemical formulation ensures reduced particle emission into the atmosphere by suppressing the dust produced. 2. While regular crackers emit about 160 decibels of sound, green crackers’ emission rate is limited to 110-125 decibels. 3.

How can we identify a green cracker?

Apart from a ‘green fireworks’ logo, QR codes on the green crackers’ packets can help people scan and identify them.

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