What are the disadvantages of mercury?
The Weaknesses or the disadvantages of Mercury:
- It cannot measure very low temperature, because its freezing point is high (-40ÂșC)
- Mercury is poisonous, so it harmful if its tube is broken.
- Its price is very high.
- display is harder to read.
- cannot be used for thermograph.
- slow response.
- fragile.
Why does alcohol expand more than Mercury?
Alcohol expands more than mercury because of its low density and volatile nature. Mercury thermometers have the advantage of being small and compact due to its low expansion. Mercury thermometers can be used to measure higher temperature than alcohol thermometers because of its high boiling point.
Does alcohol expand more than water?
A given volume of alcohol and the same volume of water are heated from the room temperature to the same temperature then. alcohol expands more than water because the co. efficient of expansion of alcohol is more than that of water.
Does Mercury expand?
Mercury’s Expansion. Mercury’s volume coefficient of expansion is 0.00018, so it expands by . 018 percent in volume for every degree of temperature increase. To make the difference easier to see, a mercury thermometer contains a reservoir of the metal and a thin glass capillary into which it can expand.
How does temperature affect mercury?
Because of global warming, the quantity of naturally generated mercury (Hg) will increase, subsequently methylation of Hg existing in seawater may be enhanced, and the content of metal in marine products rise which consequently results in harm to human health.
Why does Mercury expand in a thermometer?
One special kind of mercury-in-glass thermometer, called a maximum thermometer, works by having a constriction in the neck close to the bulb. As the temperature rises, the mercury is pushed up through the constriction by the force of expansion.
How accurate is mercury thermometer?
In clinical studies between 9 and 23% of repeated measurements using an electronic thermometer differ by 0.5 degrees C or more whilst the corresponding range for mercury thermometers is 0.6%.
Why is the thermometer important?
Thermometers are used to measure the temperature and this is a very important part of weather forecasting. Many thermometers come in a glass tube that contains a liquid, usually mercury or alcohol. Knowing the air temperature is very important. It is an important part of weather forecasting.
Who invented the mercury thermometer?
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
How was the mercury thermometer invented?
In 1724, a German instrument maker called Gabriel Fahrenheit settled on mercury as the most suitable liquid for measuring temperature. He calibrated his first thermometer using a mixture of ice and water with sea salt as his zero.
Who invented thermometer in 1593?
Galeleo Galilei
How do we know what the temperature was 100 years ago?
One way to measure past temperatures is to study ice cores. The temperature record recovered from ice cores goes back hundreds of thousands of years from glaciers that have persisted on landmasses like Greenland and Antarctica. However, ice sheets come and go and the oldest glacier is no older than a few million years.