What are the employee welfare measures?

What are the employee welfare measures?

Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various services, facilities and amenities provided to employees for their betterment. Welfare measures are something that is available to employees in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits under legal provisions and collective bargaining.

What is staff welfare?

Employee welfare is a term including various services, benefits and facilities offered to employees. They need not be monetary and include things such as allowances, housing, transportation, medical insurance and food.

Why is staff welfare so important?

Although staff welfare goes beyond health and safety management, creating a physically safe and comfortable environment for your employees is paramount for promoting and maintaining their well-being. Understand your legal health and safety obligations; making sure these practices are in place and fully transparent.

Who is responsible for staff welfare?

It is an employer’s duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and other people who might be affected by their business. Employers must do whatever is reasonably practicable to achieve this.

What are the rights of the employee?

The State shall protect labor, promote full employment, provide equal work opportunity regardless of gender, race, or creed; and regulate employee-employer relations. The minimum age of employment is 18 years for hazardous jobs, and 15 years for non-hazardous jobs. …

What are staff welfare expenses?

Any expenditure for the benefit of employees apart from their salary is commonly known as staff welfare expenses.

Can we claim input on staff welfare?

Ans: Section 16 (1) of Act provides for eligibility of input tax credit in respect of supply of goods or services in the course or furtherance of business. Hence, receipt of goods or services of these by the employee could be said to be receipt by the Company and ITC on the same should be eligible.

Is GST allowed on staff welfare expenses?

The pandemic situation of COVID-19 has created an obligation for the Government to take necessary preventive steps. In this context Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has issued various orders and guidelines from time to time.

Is RCM applicable on staff welfare?

Staff Welfare needs to be categorized properly in different heads. This expenses generally have a high quantum of non-invoice and URD Purchases and is very important for RCM if after categorizing staff welfare expenses few expenses pertaining to food beverages etc are found than ITC will not be available.

On which item RCM is applicable?

Current Situation in Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) In the present scenario, the reverse charge mechanism is applicable in service tax for services like Insurance Agent, Manpower Supply, Goods Transport Agency, etc. Unlike Service Tax, there is no concept of partial reverse charge.

On which expenses RCM is applicable?

What are the Profit & Loss items which might attract GST under RCM

  • Rent.
  • Commission payments.
  • Printing and stationery.
  • Repairs and Maintenance.
  • Office Maintenance.
  • Vehicle maintenance.
  • Computer maintenance.
  • Legal Fees.

Which expenses are not allowed in GST?

Items Not Eligible for Input Tax Credit under GST

  • Motor Vehicles or Conveyances.
  • Food, Beverages and Outdoor Catering.
  • Beauty Treatment, Health Services & Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery.
  • Life and Health Insurance.
  • Travel Benefits for Employees.
  • Works Contract Services.
  • Construction of Immovable Property.

Can we claim GST input on electricity bill?

Ans: Yes. The Discom will provide the system generated Tax Invoice. If the amount is paid at Customer Service Centre (CSC) tax invoice will be issued at CSC’s . If the GST amount is paid at ERO’s, concerned AAO/ ERO will issue the Tax invoice.

Can we claim GST input on hotel stay?

Input Tax Credit (ITC) on Hotel Accommodation: In case hotel accommodation has been used for business purposes and taxable supplies, Input Tax Credit thereon can be availed as the hotel accommodation services are not blocked under Section 17(5) of the CGST Act, 2017.

Can we claim GST input on car purchase?

You can either claim input tax credit of GST, or depreciation u/s Income Tax Act 1961. Generally the answer is No, the gst credit paid on purchase of car cannot be claimed, unless you are in the business of buying selling cars and/or travel business. No you can’t buy a car with the benefits of ITC.

Can we take GST input on vehicle maintenance?

No ITC is allowed on services of general insurance, servicing, repair and maintenance in so far as they relate to motor vehicles, vessels or aircraft referred to in (1).

Can we take GST input on fixed assets?

SImilarly, when you are purchasing any machinery for your factory, you will pay the applicable GST rate. This GST paid can be claimed as credit in the same way as inputs. However, if you claim depreciation on the GST paid while purchasing the capital asset, you cannot claim input tax credit.

What is the time limit for availing input tax credit?

Failure of the supplier towards supply of goods and/or services within 180 days from the date of invoice, ITC already claimed by the recipient will be added to output tax liability and interest to be paid on such tax involved. On payment to the supplier, ITC will be again allowed to be claimed.

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