What are the examples of quotation marks?

What are the examples of quotation marks?

Periods and commas ALWAYS go inside quotation marks. Examples: The sign said, “Walk.” Then it said, “Don’t Walk,” then, “Walk,” all within thirty seconds.

How do you write quotation marks?

Press-and-hold the ALT key and then type 0147 for the opening single quotation mark and ALT followed by 0148 for the closing single quotation mark.

How do you end a sentence with quotation marks?

When the quote ends, use a comma inside the quotation marks, and then continue the sentence outside. If the quote ends with a question mark or an exclamation point, use it inside the quotation marks, and then continue the sentence outside the quotation marks like: “Where are you going?” she asked.

Do periods go inside brackets?

Periods and Parentheses When a complete, independent sentence is entirely enclosed by parentheses, the period goes inside the closing parenthesis.

How do you punctuate a quote with a quote?

Punctuation marks such as periods, commas, and semicolons should appear after the parenthetical citation. Question marks and exclamation points should appear within the quotation marks if they are a part of the quoted passage, but after the parenthetical citation if they are a part of your text.

How do you punctuate a quote within a quote?

How to Quote a Quote?

  1. In American English, use double quotation marks for quotations and single quotation marks for quotations within quotations.
  2. In British English, use single quotation marks for quotations and double quotation marks for quotations within quotations.

How do you quote the middle of a sentence?

In general, it is not necessary to use an ellipsis at the beginning or end of a quotation, even if you are quoting from the middle of a sentence. An exception is that you should include an ellipsis if, to prevent misinterpretation, you need to emphasize that the quotation begins or ends in midsentence.

How do you start a quote in the middle of a sentence?

Integrating Quotations into Sentences

  1. Introduce the quotation with a complete sentence and a colon.
  2. Use an introductory or explanatory phrase, but not a complete sentence, separated from the quotation with a comma.
  3. Make the quotation a part of your own sentence without any punctuation between your own words and the words you are quoting.

Are ellipses flirty?

Many text messages read with more emotion when adding the ellipsis. Some people use them to indicate flirting, while others use them to show worry or sincerity. A phrase that changes drastically in meaning with the addition of an ellipsis is the simple phrase ‘hi’.

How do you use three dots in a sentence?


  1. An ellipsis (plural: ellipses) is a punctuation mark consisting of three dots.
  2. Full quotation: “Today, after hours of careful thought, we vetoed the bill.”
  3. With ellipsis: “Today … we vetoed the bill.”
  4. Example: I don’t know… I’m not sure.
  5. Example: I don’t know … I’m not sure.
  6. Examples: I don’t know … I’m not sure.

What does 2 dots mean in texting?

Two dots is an informal and cute way of implying there is something else to say, except philosophically you don’t need to say it at that moment, so it’s more of a short-cut, and yes two dots is quicker that three since the latter means something else, formally any-way.

What do the 3 dots mean when texting?


What do the 3 dots mean in texting?

typing awareness indicator

How do I get rid of the dots when texting?

Select the “Privacy” option from the list in the “Settings” menu. Finally, toggle off “Typing Indicators.” If you instead want to turn the feature back on, tap the toggle to enable the typing indicators.

What does 4 dots mean in texting?

What does 4 dots in a text mean? It means “we’ll see, end of discussion for now.”

Are ellipses rude?

Not that ellipses are rude, but they do distort the meaning. Some have said that we use ellipses as a way to try to capture the way we speak, with the pauses, lingering and start-and-stop quality of verbal exchanges.

Can you end a sentence with an ellipsis?

Ellipsis at the End of a Sentence To form an ellipsis in MLA when the omitted material appears at the end of your sentence, type the ellipsis with three periods with space before each period and include the closing quotation marks immediately after the third period.

What do the 3 dots mean when a woman texts you?

How do you use ellipses in text?

The Basics

  1. Use three periods with space before and after each (e.g., “ . . . ”).
  2. Do not use brackets around your ellipsis.
  3. Use four periods for omitted text at the end of a sentence, with no space before the first period that indicates the end of the sentence (e.g., “End of previous sentence. . . .

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