
What are the factors affecting the gender of an individual?

What are the factors affecting the gender of an individual?

In the current study, although physical activity in both genders, age and education in women and smoking in men showed significant associations with physical HRQoL, age and smoking were the most important socio-behavioral factors which could affect this gender-specific association via mental HRQoL and MetSCs …

What are the factors perpetuating gender inequality?

While there are many factors that explain sex differentials in mortality and morbidity, a key determinant is gender inequality. Gender inequalities manifest in different ways, such as unequal access to resources, power, education and discriminatory socio-cultural practices [9].

What factors do you think contribute to gender and identity issues?

The development of gender identity disorder may be related to biological factors, such as hormones and temperament, in addition to environmental factors, such as parental encouragement of cross-gender play.

How does gender influence health care?

Many male health risks can be traced back to behavior: In general, men engage in behaviors that lead to higher rates of injury and disease. They also tend to eat less healthful diets. However, anatomy, hormones and genes also play roles in men’s increased risk for these diseases: Heart disease.

How does gender influence health?

In addition to overall mortality and morbidity, certain health and wellbeing issues are more commonly associated with one gender. For example, dementia, depression and arthritis are more common in women, while men are more prone to lung cancer, cardiovascular disease and suicide (Broom, 2012).

What is the relationship between gender and health?

Sex and gender are inextricably linked: the health status of an individual may be influenced by the nature of their occupation, level of education, and lifestyle. These decisive factors often differ between men and women, due to their different social and cultural contexts.

Why is gender important in health?

They also can influence the course of diseases. Health problems in men and women also vary according to socio-economic status, meaning that gender is strongly intertwined as risk factor with socio-economic status, ethnicity, and age. Gender is an essential determinant of social out- comes, including health.

What diseases are increasing?

Trends show an overall increase in chronic diseases. Currently, the top ten health problems in America (not all of them chronic) are heart disease, cancer, stroke, respiratory disease, injuries, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, influenza and pneumonia, kidney disease, and septicemia [17,18].

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