
What are the factors contributing to effective teaching?

What are the factors contributing to effective teaching?

Many Factors Determine Good and Effective Teaching

  • · An engaging personality.
  • · A passion for the subject matter.
  • · Demonstrated command of the subject matter.
  • · Willingness to acknowledge your missteps.
  • · Receptive to other’s opinions.
  • · Being fair and transparent.

How do students influence teachers?

Students take into effect the beliefs their teachers have on them and accept it as part of who they are and their abilities. When students are viewed in a negative way by their teachers such as, being lazy, unmotivated and having no abilities, they take on those beliefs about themselves.

What is the purpose for starting English instruction in primary school?

The goals of English language learning at primary level are twofold: attainment of a basic proficiency, as is acquired in natural language learning and development of language into an instrument for knowledge acquisition. English in India is one of the main communication languages in a multilingual country.

What are the aims and objectives of teaching English language?

These aims are as : 1)To enable to listen English with proper understanding 2)To enable to speak English correctly. It means that producing sounds with the proper stress and intonation. 3)To enable the students to read English and comprehend and interpret the text.

What is the main objective of teaching English in elementary classes?

1 – Develop their intellectual, personal and professional abilities. 2 – Acquire basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in order to communication with speakers of English language. 3 – Acquire the linguistic competence necessarily required in various life situations.

What is the role of teaching vocabulary before the reading proper?

Knowing the vocabulary words associated with a given topic enables students to connect their background knowledge to what they are reading. It is important to provide deep, direct instruction for certain key words, but previewing before reading is not the best time to do this.

Is the selection of the Literary Text important in teaching literature?

Literary works help learners to use their imagination, enhance their empathy for others and lead them to develop their own creativity. Literary texts can present teachers and learners with a number of difficulties including: text selection – texts need to be chosen that have relevance and interest to learners.

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