What are the five principal exceptions?

What are the five principal exceptions?

I once read in an interview a long time ago that the five exceptions are:

  • Food.
  • Money.
  • Knowledge. You cannot magically learn something or obtain information without effort, otherwise there would be little point in having a school in the first place.
  • Love.
  • Soul.

Which of the following is one of the five principal exceptions to Gamp’s Law?

On 1 May, 1998, after Neville Longbottom noted that the one thing that the Room of Requirement did not seem to be able to provide was food, Ron commented that food was one of the five Principal Exceptions to this law, to “general astonishment”.

Why can’t Harry Potter make food?

— Hermione Granger to Ron Weasley (DH15). Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration is a fundamental property of magic which identifies what can be conjured and what cannot. Generally speaking, this axiom states that one cannot create something from nothing.

How many exceptions are there to Gamp’s elemental law?

five Principle

What is not a type of Transfiguration?

Which of these is not a form of Transfiguration? Enchantment – correct answer.

Why couldn’t the Weasleys fix their house with magic?

Why didn’t the Weasleys use magic to make their house bigger in the inside? Because the use of that spell is controlled by the Ministry. Arthur was against the law when he did it to his Anglia, as was Hermione with her purse. They wouldn’t be able to conceal they had done it to a house.

Which is not an unforgivable curse?

Some would say there’s no spell worse than Avada Kedavra, the Killing Curse that Voldemort used so indiscriminately. But it’s definitely not the wizarding world’s only Unforgivable Curse.

What are the effects of a switching spell?

The Switching Spell (incantation unknown) was a transfiguration spell used to switch the positions of two objects. By definition, it was a simultaneous transfiguration of two objects to make them look like each other.

Why was the Weasley family poor?

The Weasleys are poor because of having 7 children. Until Bill and Charlie started working, the Weasley family had one earning member to take care of the household expenses, education and upbringing of 9 family members.

Do the Weasleys ever get rich?

During the Quidditch World Cup, the Weasley twins had bet all their money with a bookie named Ludo Bagman, who fails to make face in the films. It is revealed very on in Harry’s story that he has a wealth of funds in a vault at Hogsmeade left over from his parents, so money is never an issue for him.

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