
What are the health issues in the Philippines?

What are the health issues in the Philippines?

Health Problems in The Philippines The main Non-Communicable Diseases are Diabetes, Heart disease, Stroke, Cancer, and Chronic diseases that affect the airways and lungs.

What are some examples of health promotion?

Examples of effective health promotion activities for child and family health

  • Promoting breastfeeding.
  • Promoting child and family nutrition.
  • SIDS prevention and education [72]
  • Injury prevention [73]
  • Promoting physical activity.
  • Smoking cessation programs such as ‘quit’ activities and ‘brief interventions’

How do you promote health?

The five strategies set out in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion are essential for success:

  1. build healthy public policy.
  2. create supportive environments.
  3. strengthen community action.
  4. develop personal skills.
  5. reorient health services.

What is the main aim of health education?

Health education is one of the factors of development because it contributes to: increase the efficacy of health services, curative as well as preventive; to improve productivity by reducing occupational diseases and accidents; to change the social climate of communities by getting the people to participate in finding …

What is health promoting Behaviour?

Health promotion behaviors entail a positive approach to living and a means of increasing well-being and self-actualization (2). Health-promoting behaviors prevent diseases, decrease morbidities, improve the quality of life, and decrease healthcare costs (3).

What is a health Behaviour?

Health behaviors are actions individuals take that affect their health. They include actions that lead to improved health, such as eating well and being physically active, and actions that increase one’s risk of disease, such as smoking, excessive alcohol intake, and risky sexual behavior.

Why is health the greatest wealth?

Health is the greatest wealth we will ever have. Without our health, our vitality, our best energy, every part of our lives has the opportunity to suffer. Health is about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. …

How can a student stay healthy?

Stay active throughout the day, through exercise, walking, or playing a sport. Turn off all “screens” one hour before going to bed. Set an alarm at night to notify you when it’s time to get ready for bed (and hold yourself accountable.) Minimize intake of caffeine and stimulants during the afternoon and evening hours.

What are the effects of healthy school?

Enhanced physical, mental and social health of the whole school community. Improved academic achievement for students. Decreased behavioural issues in classroom and schoolyard. Healthier positive attitudes.

What is healthy school?

A healthy school is one where students learn to value their own health. The core elements of a healthy school environment include access to healthcare, healthy food and physical activity, clean air and water, and education about making healthy choices.

What are the four major components in the school health program?


  • Medical and nutritional screening of the school pupils.
  • Provision of essential drugs and treatment of minor ailment and referral if need.
  • Inspection of school environment and facilities using a checklist.
  • Inspection of the food vendors and stalls.
  • Inspection of the First Aid Box contents.

What will make a school community healthy?

Environment: Providing an environment and developing a school culture in which students can practice what they learn about making healthy decisions and staff can practice and model healthy behaviours. Data: Using appropriate data to continuously improve.

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