
What are the key terms for photosynthesis?

What are the key terms for photosynthesis?

Key Terms

Term Meaning
Chloroplast The plant cell structure where photosynthesis occurs
Thylakoids Disc-like structures within a chloroplast that help absorb light
Grana Stacks of thylakoids in a chloroplast
Chlorophyll A pigment found in the thylakoid that absorbs light energy and uses it to produce carbohydrates

What is photosynthesis in short form?

The definition of photosynthesis is the process through which plants use water and carbon dioxide to create their food, grow and release excess oxygen into the air. An example of photosynthesis is how plants convert sugar and energy from water, air and sunlight into energy to grow.

What is photosynthesis and equation?

The photosynthesis equation is as follows: 6CO2 + 6H20 + (energy) → C6H12O6 + 6O2 Carbon dioxide + water + energy from light produces glucose and oxygen. In most plants, water is supplied from the roots, with the leaves collecting carbon dioxide via the stomata and sunlight captured by the chloroplasts in the leaves.

What is photosynthesis tik?

Photosynthetic organisms have been considered as autotroph, able to produce organic substances from inorganic nutrients based on energy harvested from light.

What are the 7 steps of photosynthesis?

Terms in this set (7)

  • Step 1-Light Dependent. CO2 and H2O enter the leaf.
  • Step 2- Light Dependent. Light hits the pigment in the membrane of a thylakoid, splitting the H2O into O2.
  • Step 3- Light Dependent. The electrons move down to enzymes.
  • Step 4-Light Dependent.
  • Step 5-Light independent.
  • Step 6-Light independent.
  • calvin cycle.

What is the process of photosynthesis?

During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) from the air and soil. This transforms the water into oxygen and the carbon dioxide into glucose. The plant then releases the oxygen back into the air, and stores energy within the glucose molecules.

What is photosynthesis for kids?

Photosynthesis is the process in which green plants use sunlight to make their own food. Green plants use this light energy to change water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and nutrients called sugars.

What is photosynthesis for 5th graders?

Photosynthesis is the big name for the process by which plants convert energy from sunlight into energy for food. Photosynthesis, derived from the Greek words photo, meaning “light,” and synthesis “putting together.” This process also requires water and carbon dioxide.

What are the parts of a plant?

Plants typically have six basic parts: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds.

What are the external parts of a plant?

EXTERNAL PLANT PARTS DEFINITION. Plants have external parts that help them grow, survive and reproduce. These parts include the stem, leaves, flower, fruits and roots.

How do you introduce a plant?

Plant introduction is a process of introducing plants (a genotype or a group of genotypes) from their own environment to a new environment. The process of introduction may involve new varieties of crop or the wild relatives of crop species or totally a new crop species for the area.

How do plants get named?

Plants have names, just like people do. Known as the “International Code of Botanical Nomenclature,” the code is based on a two-name (binomial) system developed by the famous botanist Linnaeus. Each plant is given a first name and last name, generally based in Latin, that is unique to each species.

What are the three main categories of plants?

The three main plant groups are seed plants, ferns, and mosses.

What are the three main types of plants?

Classification Based on Growth Habits

  • Herbs. The herb is a short-sized plant with soft, green, delicate stem without the woody tissues.
  • Shrubs. Shrubs are medium-sized, woody plants taller than herbs and shorter than a tree.
  • Trees. Trees are big and tall plants.
  • Climbers.
  • Creepers.

What are climbers give two examples?

Creepers: Plants with weak stem that cannot stand upright and spread on the ground are called creepers. Examples: Pumpkin, Watermelon, sweet potato, etc. Climber: Plants with weak stem that needs support is called climber. Examples: Grapevine, money-plant, cucumber, bean, etc.

What are the names of climbing plants?

Top 10 Climber Plants for Home Garden

  • 1) Star Jasmine.
  • 2) Aparajita / Butterfly Pea.
  • 3) Flame Plant.
  • 4) Money plant.
  • 5) Bougainvillea.
  • 6) Allamanda.
  • 7) Curtain Plant.
  • 8) Combretum Indicum.

What is plant study called?

Botany, branch of biology that deals with the study of plants, including their structure, properties, and biochemical processes. Also included are plant classification and the study of plant diseases and of interactions with the environment.

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