What are the most viewed TED talks?

What are the most viewed TED talks?

Below, the 10 most-watched TEDx talks posted to our homepage.

  • 18:04. How great leaders inspire action.
  • 20:19. The power of vulnerability.
  • 9:37. Looks aren’t everything.
  • 12:46. What makes a good life?
  • 12:20. The happy secret to better work.
  • 11:41. The orchestra in my mouth.
  • 11:44. 10 ways to have a better conversation.
  • 7:11.

Are TED Talk speakers paid?

TED does not pay speakers. We do, of course, cover travel costs and provide excellent hotel accommodation — as well as a covetable pass to all five days of TED.

How do you get nominated for a TED talk?

To nominate someone to speak at an official TED conference or event (TED2020, TEDWomen, TED Salon, etc.), simply fill out the speaker nomination form.

What is the full form of Ted?

Technology, Entertainment, Design

What is a TED question?

TED Questions – (Tell, Explain, Describe) TED stands for three simple words that will help you get the answers you are looking for: tell, explain and describe. Some examples of TED questions include: Tell me, how will that affect you?

What is a lollipop leader?

Drew defines his concept of lollipop leadership as “a moment when something that you said or did made someone else feel fundamentally better” Lollipop moment (n) \ lol-ee-pop, moh-ment \ – a special moment where one individual positively shapes another person’s life, but may not realise his or her impact.

What does lollipop mean in texting?

A Lollipop emoji depicts a colorful hard ? Candy on a stick. This candy is associated with childhood, playful mood, sweetness, joyfulness, and happiness — and these are exactly the most common meanings it gives to some messages or posts. Less often, it is used in a sexual and even offensive context.

What does Dudley mean by a lollipop moment?

fundamentally made your life better

What is an example of a lollipop moment?

“I can tell you don’t do it for the money,” he said. “You love your job.” The other students around him chimed in that they could tell I love my job, too. So, when students or parents, or anyone in the community, hand us our own “lollipop,” it goes a long way.

What is Dudley’s call to action?

He concludes with a powerful call to action to transform leadership from something that is someone else’s responsibility to something that every person can embody, every day. My call to action today is that we need to get over our fear of how extraordinarily powerful we can be in each other’s lives.

What is everyday leadership?

Simply put, everyday leadership is when employees take intentional and daily action to foster better connection, communication and community within their organization, while working together toward one shared vision.

What do you think about Drew’s way of defining leadership?

Every person has the potential to be a leader; we tend to either glorify leadership as something unique to a particular set of people (the extroverted, the charismatic, the confident, the powerful) or we define leadership as the state of being in a position of power. …

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