What are the numbers in French 1 100?

What are the numbers in French 1 100?

French Numbers 1-100: How to Count to 100 in French

1-10 11-20 91-100
7 sept 17 dix-sept 97 quatre-vingt-sept
8 huit 18 dix-huit 98 quatre-vingt-dix-huit
9 neuf 19 dix-neuf 99 quatre-vingt-dix-neuf
10 dix 20 vingt 100 cent

How do you say 50in French?

Here are the French Numbers 41-50….French Numbers 41-50.

Number French Spelling Pronunciation
50 cinquante sank-awnt

What is the number 60 in French?


What number is cinquante-trois?

French Numbers: 20-59

20 vingt trente
43 quarante-trois cinquante-trois
44 quarante-quatre cinquante-quatre
45 quarante-cinq cinquante-cinq
46 quarante-six cinquante-six

How do we say the number 79 in French?

This is the case all the way through seventy-nine: soixante (60) plus nineteen dix-neuf (19) equals soixante dix-neuf….70-79.

soixante-dix 70 soixante-et-onze 71
soixante-dix-huit 78 soixante-dix-neuf 79

Why is French numbers weird?

In French too, we see this, up until the seventies when, as we’ve said, things go weird. Then in comes the “vigesimal system” which used the base 20, hence quatre-vingt-quatre (84). Many believe it ended up in French due to the influence of the Celts in France, whose languages use the base 20 system.

How do you say 33 in French?

Here are the French Numbers 31-40….French Numbers 31-40.

Number French Spelling Pronunciation
33 trente-trois trawnt-twah
34 trente-quatre trawnt-katr
35 trente-cinq trawnt-sank
36 trente-six trawnt-seese

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