What are the numbers on a fire extinguisher?

What are the numbers on a fire extinguisher?

Each whole number increase in the rating increases the panel dimensions by 2 feet. The number before the B indicates the area of the liquid spill, which is burning, that the extinguisher can extinguish. A 1B rating would extinguish a 2.5 square foot liquid fire and a 2B would extinguish a 5 square foot liquid fire.

How do you read a fire extinguisher rating?

Fire Extinguisher Ratings Fire extinguishers are classified by fire type. The A, B, C rating system defines the kinds of burning materials each fire extinguisher is designed to fight. The number in front of the A, B, or C indicates the rating size of fire the unit can extinguish.

Do the symbols on a fire extinguisher indicate?

Extinguishers are classified by a number and letter symbol. The number indicates the relative size of the extinguisher, and the letter indicates the type of fire it will extinguish. On Type B extinguishers, the number tells you the square footage of the fire the extinguisher can put out.

What do the icons found on most fire extinguishers indicate?

The geometric symbol is the green triangle and the pictograph shows ordinary trash and wood on fire. Class B – for fires involving flammable or combustible liquids, like gasoline, kerosene, grease or oil. The geometric symbol is the red square and the pictograph shows a fuel can in flames.

What does DTR mean on fire extinguishers?


What percentage should fire extinguishers be Coloured?

BS EN3 Explained BS EN3 requires that at least 95% of the extinguishers body MUST be coloured red, allowing only 5% colour coded zones on the extinguisher. Water extinguishers are suitable for Class A Fires caused by the combustion of burning materials such as Paper, Wood and Textiles to name but a few.

What does bac stand for in fire department?

* = Asterisk indicates acronym.
B black
BAC blood alcohol content
BAL british anti-lewisite (dimercaprol)
blood alcohol level

What does the A stand for in IAP?

Individual Action Plan. IAP. Intelligent Access Point. IAP. Insurance Assistance Program (various locations)

What do firefighters call each other?

My friend, a former longtime firefighter, was in the hospital some months ago.

What does Afri mean?

The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) is the nation’s leading competitive grants program for agricultural sciences.

Who first discovered Africa?

Portuguese explorer Prince Henry, known as the Navigator, was the first European to methodically explore Africa and the oceanic route to the Indies.

Why is Africa called Africa?

In the early sixteenth century the famous medieval traveller and scholar Leo Africanus (al-Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Wazan), who had travelled across most of North Africa giving detailed accounts of all that he saw there, suggested that the name ‘Africa’ was derived from the Greek word ‘a-phrike’, meaning ‘without cold’.

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