What are the phases of movement in the javelin?

What are the phases of movement in the javelin?

The javelin technique sequence comprises of 4 phases: An approach, a 5-step rhythm, throw and recovery.

How do you measure a javelin throw?

A throw is legal only if the tip of the javelin lands within this sector, and the tip strikes the ground before any other part of the javelin. The distance of the throw is measured from the throwing arc to the point where the tip of the javelin landed, rounded down to the nearest centimeter.

How is projectile motion used in javelin?

Projectile Motion Force increases by the amount of speed the runner get. The more momentum you have the greater the force of the javelin. If you add more force to a throw by adding thrust to the arm and speed by running faster, the javelin will go further.

How long is a standard javelin?

The men’s javelin must weigh at least 800g and be 2.6m-2.7m long while the women’s javelin must weigh 600g and be 2.2m-2.3m long.

How does a javelin lock on?

The missile is mounted on the CLU and the gunner engages the target using the sight on the CLU, by placing a curser box over the image of the target. The gunner locks on the automatic target tracker in the missile by sending a lock-on-before-launch command to the missile.

Is the AT4 a recoilless rifle?

The M136 AT4 is a recoilless rifle used primarily by Infantry Forces for engagement and defeat of light armor. The recoilless rifle design permits accurate delivery of an 84mm High Explosive Anti-Armor warhead, with negligible recoil.

What does AT4 stand for?


Acronym Definition
AT4 Angiotensin II Type-4 (gene)

Why do they call it a recoilless rifle?

The propellant gasses are directed backward, counteracting the weapon’s recoil, making it “recoilless.” The weapon, which is basically a hollow tube with a gripstock and trigger, has spiral rifling on the barrel to impart spin stabilization on the round as it exits the barrel. Hence the name recoilless rifle.

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