What are the rules for working in and around a sterile field?

What are the rules for working in and around a sterile field?

Terms in this set (21)

  • Sterile fields are created using sterile drapes and wrappers.
  • Never turn your back on or walk away from a sterile field.
  • Avoid excessive talking, coughing, sneezing or reaching across a sterile field.
  • Keep sterile objects above waist level.
  • Don’t spill solutions on the sterile field.

What is considered a sterile field?

The sterile field is the designated area which is “free of bugs that can infect people” The sterile field can include can include surfaces, instruments, even people. Once a surgeon, tech or nurse is “scrubbed in” (hands washed, adorned in sterile garb), then he or she is part of the sterile field.

What part of a sterile field is considered unsterile?

Once a sterile field is set up, the border of one inch at the edge of the sterile drape is considered non-sterile. Place all objects inside the sterile field and away from the one-inch border.

How many inches around the border of a sterile field is considered contaminated?

1-½ inches

What happens if a non-sterile item touches a sterile item?

What happens if a non-sterile item touches a sterile item? The sterile item becomes contaminated.

When opening a sterile package where do you place the package on your working area?

2. Place package on clean, dry, waist-level table. A clean, dry surface is required to set up a sterile field. Items below waist level are considered contaminated.

What is open gloving technique?

This technique is used for minor procedures when only the hands need to be covered (for example sterile patient preparation, bone marrow biopsy, urinary catheterization). We pick up the opposite glove with the gloved hand in a way that the fingers are protected in the inner side of the pocket. …

Which sterile glove do you put on first?

Putting on your dominant hand glove first can minimize the risk of ripping or contamination to the hand you’re likely using most. Place the glove onto your dominant hand. Let the glove hang with the fingers pointing downward. Make sure your hands are not below the waist and above the shoulders to ensure the sterility.

In which order should the following steps for putting the first hand into a sterile glove be performed?

Terms in this set (5)

  1. Use the thumb and forefinger of your non-dominant hand to grasp the cuff of the sterile glove for your dominant hand.
  2. Touch only the inside surface of the glove.
  3. Lift the glove above your waistline.
  4. Place your dominant hand into the glove and pull on the glove.

What part of a surgical gown is sterile?

Gowns of the surgical team are considered sterile in front from chest to the level of the sterile field. The sleeves are also considered sterile from two inches above the elbow to the stockinet cuff.

How do you put on a sterile gown?

Surgical gown donning instructions Put both hands into armholes. Hold the gown away from the body, and allow it to unfold completely. 2. Slip both hands and forearms into armholes and sleeves; keep hands at shoulder level and away from the body.

Why do we wear surgical gown?

The purpose of surgical gowns and other protective clothing is not only to keep bacteria from entering surgical wounds, but to also protect the surgical staff from bodily fluids, secretions or excretions like blood, urine, saline, or chemicals used and during surgical procedures.

How do you sterilize surgical gowns?

Methods of sterilization for gowns include but are not limited to, radiation, steam, and ethylene oxide. B. Single-use gowns that are included in the sterile back table pack or were opened and included in the sterile set-up, but not used, should not be re- sterilized.

Should masks and eyewear be put on before or after gowns and gloves?

The gown should be donned first. The mask or respirator should be put on next and properly adjusted to fit; remember to fit check the respirator. The goggles or face shield should be donned next and the gloves are donned last.

What is the correct order to remove PPE?

The order for removing PPE is Gloves, Apron or Gown, Eye Protection, Surgical Mask. Perform hand hygiene immediately on removal. All PPE should be removed before leaving the area and disposed of as healthcare waste.

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