
What are the similarities and differences between Athenian democracy and American democracy?

What are the similarities and differences between Athenian democracy and American democracy?

Similarities between US and Athens are that US and Athens have a democracy. They both allow men to vote. One difference is that US has a representative democracy and Athens has a direct democracy. In Athens only men that owned property are allowed to vote.

What are the major similarities between Athenian democracy and modern democracy?

Athenian democracy is similar to modern democracies in that it grants a broad portion of the public a say in governance. Athenian democracy differs in that only free men could vote, the voting occurred in a single forum, and there were no mediating delegates.

How was Greek democracy different from democracy in the United States?

How was ancient Greek democracy different from democracy in the United States today? Citizens voted directly on all issues. Citizens were free to express their opinions and cast their votes in assembly meetings. They established a court system, which included a jury.

Which of the following is a difference between the ancient Athenian government and the United States government?

Which of the following is a difference between the ancient Athenian government and the United States government? A Athenians had direct democracy, while the U.S. has indirect democracy.

What characteristic of the US government is drawn from Athenian democracy?

In the US, citizens elect representatives to office, while in Athens, elections were not held. What characteristic of the US government is drawn from Athenian democracy? The government is all powerful. The people run the government.

Which is the best example of the influence of Athenian democracy on later governments?

representative democracy of the United States

Who was allowed to participate in Athenian democracy?

Greek democracy created at Athens was direct, rather than representative: any adult male citizen over the age of 20 could take part, and it was a duty to do so. The officials of the democracy were in part elected by the Assembly and in large part chosen by lottery in a process called sortition.

How is a city state more than just a city?

As their name implies, city-states were large areas of land whose inhabitants fell under the rule of the city in the midst. Because of this, Athens and the Greek cities were more than just a city; they were the law and protection of the surrounding plains.

What are the four major criteria that determine a fortified city-state?

On the other hand, Griffeth and Thomas suggest four criteria for the identification of city-states: a well-defined core surrounded by walls and/or a moat; economic self-sufficiency provided by the exploita- tion of a hinterland; a sense of common linguistic and cultural habits, and historical experience, shared with …

Why is Singapore called a city-state?

Singapore. Singapore is an island city-state in maritime Southeast Asia. Singapore was part of Malaysia before it was expelled from the federation in 1965, becoming an independent republic, a city and a sovereign country. The Economist refers to the nation as the “world’s only fully functioning city-state”.

How did Singapore become so rich?

Today, the Singapore economy is one of the most stable in the world, with no foreign debt, high government revenue and a consistently positive surplus. The Singapore economy is mainly driven by exports in electronics manufacturing and machinery, financial services, tourism, and the world’s busiest cargo seaport.

Who named Singapore?

Sang Nila Utama

What is Singapore’s nickname?

Singapura stands for the ‘Lion City’ and is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Simha’ or lion, and ‘Pura’ or city, and the story of how the name came about is probably one of the more famous Singaporean legends.

Why did Japan want to attack Singapore?

After being imposed a trade embargo due to its Chinese campaigns, Japan had to look for an alternative source of supplies for its war against the allies in the Pacific War. As a result Japan invaded Malaya.

What was Singapore called before?

Singapore was known in the 13th to 14th century as Temasek, a name also recorded in Chinese sources as Dan Ma Xi, a country recorded as having two distinct settlements – Long Ya Men and Ban Zu. It changed its name to Singapura perhaps towards the end of 14th century.

Is Singapore still a British colony?

The Crown colony was dissolved on 16 September 1963 when Singapore became a state of Malaysia, ending 144 years’ of British rule on the island. On 9 August 1965, Singapore officially left Malaysia to become the independent Republic of Singapore, due to political, economic and racial disputes.

Did Singapore used to be part of Malaysia?

Singapore officially became part of Malaysia on 16 September 1963 following its merger with the Federation of Malaya, Sarawak and North Borneo (Sabah) to form the Federation of Malaysia. For Singapore, the merger with Malaysia had been its stipulated path to economic development.

What was Singapore before 1819?

ABOUT “SINGAPURA BEFORE 1819” The earliest records in which Singapore is mentioned describe it as a thriving port in the 14th century. It was known by different names then: The Chinese traders called it Danmaxi (Temasik or Temasek), while in the Sejarah Melayu (The Malay Annals), it was called Singapura.

Who found Singapore first?

Raffles found a small Malay settlement at the mouth of the Singapore River, with an estimated population of about 150 that consisted of around 120 Malays and 30 Chinese. headed by the Temenggong and Tengku Abdul Rahman.

Why did Temasek decline in the 15th century?

Temasek, the name for Singapore, emerged as an important port in the early 14th century. By the end of the 14th century, however, Temasek had declined as a trading port. This was because the rise of the Ming dynasty caused trade to slow down, as China discouraged overseas trade through private merchants.

Who founded Singapore in 1819?

Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles

Why did Britain choose Singapore?

SINGAPORE was chosen by the British because of the location, it was a reliable port for trading in Asia, especially China. It was also a place with resources that the British needed, so therefore the British chose to establish their colony at Singapore. SINGAPORE was chosen by the British because of their location.

When did Temasek decline?

14th century

Who owns Temasek?

Government of Singapore

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